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Music Discovery: December 2021

Like most music nerds who live and breathe all types of music, the last few months before the end of the year are spent either getting ready for a new year of great music releases or spent trying to make your best-of list for the year.  When I took the reins years ago on managing these monthly music discovery blogs for our multi-talented music supervisors, I knew that I would not only be listening to some amazing music, but also be taken on a musical journey through the minds of other like-minded music supervisors like myself. 

Below are some artists and sounds that grabbed my attention this year, but in the accompanying playlist, you’ll find the best-of music curated by our team of music supervisors this past year.  There’s some amazing stuff on there for your ears!




Artist: Beach House

Track: Superstar

Meeting in Baltimore’s Indie scene in the early 2000s, […]

Music Discovery: November 2021

Hello! My name is Alex Ruder, I’m a music supervisor and editorial lead here on the PlayNetwork music team. Since my teenage years, I’ve been a massive fan of remixes and hearing how different artists take an original song and shift it into their own distinctive space. Whether it’s a remix designed specifically for the dancefloor, a remix that adds a bit of a beat to a jazzy tune, or a remix that spaces things out into an ethereal zone, I find the shape-shifting unpredictability of remixes constantly fascinating. Here are some favorite remixes that have caught my ear this year…



Artist: Lady Blackbird / Zach Witness

Track: It’ll Never Happen Again (Zach Witness Remix)

While he’s worked closely in the past with artists like Erykah Badu, Andre3000, and Jon Bap, Dallas-based musician Zach Witness is an under-the-radar artist who has a magic touch with his remix […]

Music Discovery: October 2021

The month of October is recognized as Filipino American History Month which honors the history, pursuits, accomplishments, and legacy of Filipinos in the United States. As a Filipino American myself, I wanted to highlight some of the many artists in the music industry that also have Filipino heritage in their background.

Growing up in the suburbs of Seattle, it was rare to see people that shared the same background as me in my neighborhood, at school or watching a movie or a TV show. Whether it was a professional athlete, an actor, a musician, and even Miss Universe — anyone that had just a drop of Filipino blood in them would be considered a fellow family member or someone to be proud of for their representation and making it onto the scene.

More recently, I’ve noticed a lot more of these artists making names for themselves and proudly honoring their Filipino heritage such as Darren Criss, who is probably better known as an actor and musician from Glee. Criss also […]

Music Discovery: September 2021

Hello there. Daniel here with the International music team at PlayNetwork. It’s time for some new music for the month ahead. Old school radio is still a key driver of new music discovery for me. It’s the daily ritual of checking in with familiar voices and hearing stories and finding new inspiration. The convenience of streaming music and various connected apps has also enabled me to make it “taping-off-the-radio” on monster steroids. Radio shows from around the globe contribute to favourite channels that then feed the selected (often Shazam-ed) highlights into my music discovery pool. I’d like to think my teenage-self would be fairly impressed. Alright, here we go; what’s new on my list, Siri?



Artist: Angel Olsen

Track: Eyes Without a Face

Instagram: angelolsenmusic

This is off Angel Olsen’s newest EP called Aisles. A good cover is always also a re-imagination, in my opinion, and this is a dream of a re-imagination. Now, […]

DJ OKAWARI 独占インタビュー! by PlayNetwork Japan

PlayNetwork提携の日本全国ブランド店舗ではPlayNetworkのトップキュレーターたちが厳選したプレイリストからのBGMが流れています。 DJ OKAWARIさんによるトラック「Glitter」もPlayNetwork提供のプレイリストから全国のブランド店舗にBGMとしてヘビーローテーション中です!

今回はそのDJ OKAWARIさんにPlayNetwork Japanが独占インタビュー! DJ OKAWARIさんご本人が、曲作りやBGMに関して、また今後の海外展開までを語ってくれました。


Q1: まずは簡単で結構ですので自己紹介をお願いいたします。

トラックメイカーのDJ OKAWARIです。静岡を拠点に活動しています。 "音楽と日常の共存"をテーマに、様々な場面とその時の心情を結びつけた音づくりをしています。 聴いてくれる人が、「この時にはこの曲を聴きたい」「この曲を聴くとこんな気持ちになる」、そんなふうに感じてくれれば嬉しいです。


Q2: 「音楽と日常の共存をテーマに掲げ 、生活していく中で感じた事を音で表現する」と拝見しました。 店内BGMは日常生活の中に欠かせない音楽のひとつだと思いますが、ご自分の楽曲が店内BGMとして流れることに関してどのようにお感じでしょう?

買い物をしていたり食事をしていたりというシチュエーションは、家で1人で過ごす時とはまた違った気分で音楽を聴いているのだと思います。 店内BGMで聴いていただけるというのは、うきうきしたり楽しかったり、そういったプラスの感情にさらに彩りを添えられるようで、とても嬉しいです。


Q3: PlayNetworkのキュレーターが選曲したブランド店舗向けプレイリストにもDJ OKAWARIさんのトラックを取り上げさせていただきました。DJ OKAWARIさんの音楽はピアノが主旋律で作られているものが多いのですが、「どのような環境で楽曲が聞かれるのか?」ということを考慮してメロディをつけることなどありますでしょうか?

僕自身は「こういう気持ちを音にしよう」と思って制作していますが、聴いてくれる人の気持ちは必ずしも僕が想定している気持ち・状況とは限らないと思います。 どんな環境でどんな楽曲を聴きたいか、それも聴き手が自由に感じてもらえればと思っています。


Q4: アジア圏のSNSなどで圧倒的な数のフォロワーを誇る人気を持っていらしゃいますね。PlayNetworkもアメリカ発の企業ですが、今後もより一層の海外マーケット展開をお考えでしょうか?




今次作のアルバム制作中です。 また自由にライブをしたり海外と行き来できるようになったら、それを携えてまたアジアツアーを再開しようと思っています。アメリカやヨーロッパでもライブしてみたいですね! その時に皆さんに楽しんでもらえるよう今は作曲がんばります!



Artist: DJ OKAWARI x Celeina Ann

Track: Glitter

Twitter: @djokawari

The Transcendent Sounds of the Yé-yé Movement

It’s hard to go wrong when picking a soundtrack to your summer, but some genres lend themselves to the dog-days of sun and salt with effortless ease. Yé-yé is such a sound, with evergreen relevancy that combines a Kodak-filtered nostalgia with tongue-in-cheek lightness that’s as fun today as it ever was.

A fusion of Western European and American stylistic elements, yé-yé rose to prominence in the early 1960’s featuring primarily French artists. Translating to “Yeah! Yeah!” the movement can be traced back to popular French radio show Salut les copains, which dominated drive time airwaves throughout the week on French radio station Europe 1. The show served as a springboard for most yé-yé artists such as Françoise Hardy, Sylvie Vartan, and Johnny Hallyday. Mixing rock, pop, baroque, exotica and traditional French chanson, yé-yé gained further cultural traction for the visual element affiliated with the music. Paying homage to classic rock and roll grandeur, a subtle restraint made the faces of the genre undeniably chic. This duality matched the lyrical content […]

2021年スポーツの祭典:開会式/閉会式の音楽監督は田中知之(FPM/Fantastic Plastic Machine)!




そんなときに、AirやBuffalo DaughterやMoney Mark、さらに映画「Lost In Translation」のサウンドトラックなどを扱っていたロサンゼルスの感度が強い人々に愛されていたレーベルであるEmperor Nortonから全米リリースされたのが(当時はまだアーティスト名をFPMと省略していなかった)Fantastic Plastic Machineのアルバム「Beautiful」でした。野太い女性のセリフ「I am Beautiful.」から始まるこのアルバムはダンス/クラブミュージックの範疇には収まらない多様な音楽性を包み込んでおり、当時の日本の最先端サウンドを響かせてくれていました。カフェも併設したCD店舗のBGMとしても大好評で、実際にお客さんに「いま流れているのは誰?」とよく尋ねられたものです。2016年にはiTunes Storeの「名盤50」にも選出された本作は、名実ともに高い人気を誇る名盤です。


Artist: Fantastic Plastic Machine (FPM)

Track: Beautiful Days

Twitter: @tomoyukitanaka


From Classics to Crossover, Black Musicians Making Noise In Country Music

Back in 2019, Lil Nas X released a song that changed pop culture, music and the ideas around what was considered “country music.” As controversial as the song was to some people for using elements of hip-hop and therefore not being able to be considered “country” enough, there has long since been a tradition of this in the space. With artists like Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean and Florida Georgia Line pulling from these same sounds, it felt to people in the Black community that his removal from the Billboard Hot Country chart may have had something to do with race. Since then, music has been flooded with people hopping on the horse (ha) to give their own variation on the track, including styles from rap, soul, R&B and pop music. But Black artists in the country music space is nothing new.

In Ken Burns’ 2019 documentary series Country Music, he dives into some of the greatest country legends and their careers, but one of the themes throughout […]

Music Discovery: June 2021

As the world slowly starts to turn towards a return to normal (or as close to it as it can, I guess) it is great to see (and hear) that so many excellent artists have put their quarantine time to as good a use as they can. The amount of really quality songs coming our way these days is just simply inspiring. Here is a small selection of some of those that I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I do.



Artist: Lime Cordiale

Track: Nobody Takes Me Seriously

Twitter: @limecordiale

Having been around since 2009, Australian favorites, Lime Cordiale have crafted a sound that is familiar yet engaging. With their take on Split Enz – “Nobody Takes Me Seriously,” they really bring a nice groove to a previously angular song. Perfect for throwing into that mix for hitting the road or backyard bbq-ing this summer for sure.



PlayNetworkプレイリストのアーティストが 最新チャートに続々と!






Artist: 平井 大

Track: Starbucks, Me and You

Twitter: @hiraidai

最新ヒットチャートでも「Stand by me, Stand by you」がロングヒットを続けている平井大が、2020年ホリデーシーズンにスターバックスとコラボレーションしたのがこのトラック。カスタマーやバリスタから集めたスターバックスホリデーのエピソードをもとに、スターバックスにちなんだ歌詞が散りばめながら平井大自身が作詞作曲を手掛けた1曲。来年もその先もホリデーシーズンの定番曲となりそうな予感。


Artist: 空音 

Track: You GARI feat. SUSHIBOYS

Twitter: @0_sorane_6

シングル「Hug feat. Kojikoji」が最新ビルボードチャートのHeatseekers Songsトップ20に入っている空音が、2020年に2nd アルバム『19FACT』のリード曲として人気ラップグループ のSUSHIBOYS迎えリリースしたのがこのトラック。カラフルなミュージックビデオからも見てとれるように明るく前向きな気持ちにさせてくれる楽曲が見事PlayNetworkキュレーターの胸に突き刺さり店舗用プレイリストにピックアップ。


Artist: SIRUP feat. ROMderful

Track: Online

Twitter: @IamSIRUP

2021年3月に2ndフルアルバム『cure』をリリースがアルバムランキングを急上昇。YouTubeの「THE FIRST TAKE」も登場し話題沸騰のSIRUPが、コロナ禍の自粛生活下での「Online上の日常」をテーマに書いたのがこのトラックで、KehlaniやLeven Kaliの楽曲なども手がけるUKプロデューサーROMderfulとのコラボレーション楽曲となっている。間違いなく次世代を牽引するアーティストとして注目を集め続けるであろうアーティストのひとり。


Music Discovery: May 2021

Hi, I’m Matthew, Music Supervisor at the London office of PlayNetwork. The start of 2021 was all doom and gloom, but as lockdown gently lifts here in the UK and spring approaches, a flood of emerging artists float to the surface, ready to soundtrack the summer of 2021.




Artist: Pauli The PSM

Track: I Got The Beat

Twitter: @paulilovejoy

Pauli The PSM is known for lending his talent and know-how to the likes of FKA twigs, Jamie xx, Sampha, Damon Albarn and Gorillaz as both a drummer and music director. “I Got The Beat” is a raw and compelling track with a vibrancy that captivates the listener. His voice has an infectious grace as he layers chaotic noises over a sparse rhythmic pattern. There are subtle nods to black masculinity and social identity in his lyrics that are further explored in the video.


Artist: Maple Glider

Track: Swimming

Twitter: […]

Music Discovery: April 2021

こんにちは、Grady Tyreeです。この8年間、PlayNetworkのレーベルリレーションズ/調達管理部門で働いています。この部門は音楽スーパーバイザーのチームにライブラリーに追加される新しいアーティストやレーベルの優先事項を知らせる役目を担っています。



Artist: Aaron Frazer

Track: Can’t Leave It Alone

Twitter: @AaronFrazer_

Aaron Frazerを初めて目にしたのは、2019年4月にDurand Jones & The Indicationsのドラマー/シンガーとして出演していたときでした。まだその時点ではこれから起こることは全く予期していませんでしたが、2021年1月の第1週、アーロンはDan Auerbachのプロデュースによる60年代ソウルを想起させるデビュー・アルバム『Introducing…』をDead Oceansからリリースしました。”Can’t Leave It Alone “は、この素晴らしいデビュー作を象徴した1曲です。


Artist: Kirby & D Smoke

Track: Superpowers

Twitter: @singkirbysing

2020年1月のデビューアルバム『Sis.』に収録された「Kool Aid」を聴いて以来、正直 私はKirbyに夢中です。Kirbyの名はあまり知られてないかもしれませんが、これまで「Break Your Heart Right Back」(Ariana Grande)、「Only One」(Kanye & Paul McCartney)、「Don’t Walk Away」(John Legend)、「Die With You」(Beyonce)などの楽曲に関わってきた彼女の名前は目に焼き付けておくべきです。”Superpowers “は2020年11月にリリースされた楽曲。


Artist: Squid

Track: Narrator

Twitter: @squidbanduk

Squidは2021年新人の中でもお気に入りのバンドです。イギリスのブライトン出身のこの5人組は待望のデビュー・アルバム『Bright Green Field』をリリースしましたが、願わくば近日中のライブを願ってます!「Houseplants」(2019年)、「Sludge」(2020年)、そして今回の「Narrator」と、バンドが2019年から投下してきた一連のシングルは、Black Midi、IDLES、Black Country、New Road、Porridge Radioなどのアーティストとの関連性を見せると同時に、ギターを駆使したポストパンクの新たなる脈絡を大衆に取り戻すことに成功しました。2021年のSXSWでのビデオクリップを見て、彼らのライブを見るのが本当に待ち遠しくなりました!


Artist: Vargas & Lagola

Track: Sweet Escape

Twitter: @vargasandlagola

Vargas & Lagolaは、スウェーデン出身のVincent PontareとSalem Al Fakirによるデュオで、Avicii、David Guetta、Galantis、Madonna、Seinabo Seyなどの大物アーティストとアーティストと関わってきました。「Sweet Escape」では、VincentとSalemが、Kevin ParkerとTame Impalaに通ずるサウンドを表現しています。この曲を聴いた直後に、仲間のミュージック・スーパーバイザーにシェアしてしまったほどの衝撃でした。今年2月にリリースされたアルバム「Mount Alda」もぜひ聴いてみてください。

Music Discovery: April 2021

Hi, I’m Grady Tyree and I’ve been working in our Label Relations / Procurement department for the past 8 years, in our position we play both air-traffic-controller and bullhorn to keep our team of music supervisors aware of new artists and label priorities as they come through the library.

As we are sorting through the multitudes of songs each week, I get a chance to discover music from artists not necessarily on the charts or on the top playlists on the various streaming platforms. I recently read an article stressing the importance of searching out new music, new artists, new sounds… so for 2021, I’ve been keeping track of songs I’ve let occupy space in my mind as ear-worms on a monthly cadence… below are four artists who you need to know about!


Artist: Aaron Frazer

Track: Can’t Leave It Alone

Twitter: @AaronFrazer_

Aaron Frazer first appeared on my radar in April 2019, when […]

Choosing the Right A/V Systems Partner

In today’s experience-driven landscape, audiovisual systems are key to helping brands create exciting environments that engage customers, increasing the amount of time they spend in-location. How do you ensure that your system installations are being properly specified, are standardized for consistency, and optimized for performance, value, and longevity? 

Get a tailored solution for your needs A unique system design should be developed for every location, taking the venue size, layout, materials/finishes, and budget into consideration, as well as your desired performance expectations and functionality requirements. We often see systems sold to brands that aren’t in alignment with the experience they are looking to create or have not been optimized for their specific locations. All aspects of a  properly designed system should work together as a truly integrated solution.   Simplify the procurement process Sourcing the right equipment for an audiovisual system install can be difficult, especially when supply chain disruptions arise. Getting equipment to the right places on time adds even more complexity. Look for partners who have strong, direct relationships with […]


1999年にグラミー賞でRicky Martinがパフォーマンスを披露し世界を席巻して以来、ラテンミュージックは世界的な影響力を持つようになりました。その後の音楽配信サービスの台頭により、スペイン語圏のあらゆる地域の音楽が世界中のファンに届くようになったのです。しかし近年ではラテンチャートのサブジャンルとしてReggeatonとUrbanoが人気を集めたことにより、ラテン系女性アーティストの活躍が少ないように感じられたのも事実です。実際、ここ数年のチャートでトップ10に入った女性アーティストはほんの一握りなのです。





アルゼンチン 自身の人生をパフォーマンスに捧げてきたLali Espositoは、タイムズスクエアでの年末カウントダウンのパフォーマンスや、ブラジルのロック・イン・リオへの出演で人気に火がつきました。


ブラジル ポルトガル語/スペイン語/英語の3ヶ国語で歌うAnittaは、まるでネイマールがサッカーボールを自由に操るように、さまざまなジャンルの音楽を自由に操っています。Cardi Bとのコラボレーションも現地のファンたちに人気です。

チリ 自主制作でスペイン語のシングル「Not Steady」リリースしシーンで注目を集めるニューヨーク生まれのチリ系アーティストPaloma Mami。2年で次々とヒット曲を生み出し、若干21歳にしてすでに10億回以上のストリーミングの記録を誇っています。

Mon Laferteという名で知られるNorma Monserrat Bustamante Laferteは、チリのアーティストの中で最多のデジタルセールスを記録しており、その勢いはとどまるところを知りません。著名な画家であるだけでなく女性の権利のための活動家でもある彼女は昨年のシングル「Biutiful」でラテングラミー賞を3回受賞しています。

グアテマラ Titaとして知られるMariana Morenoはラテン・インディー・ミュージック・シーンに足を踏み入れたばかりの新進気鋭のアーティスト。グアテマラでのVJ活動ですでによく知られている彼女のつくる音楽はフレッシュでモダンなサウンドを取り入れており、インディー、エレクトロニック、ヒップホップ、ポップをミックスした多彩なものとなっている。音楽的影響としてはThe Beatles、Mac DeMarco、Natalia Lafourcadeなどを挙げている。

メキシコ メキシコ・モントレーのアンダーグラウンド・ヒップホップ・シーンで長年活躍してきたNina Diozは、SXSWやニューヨークのLatin Alternative Music Conferenceでのパフォーマンスでシーンに登場しました。過小評価されているメキシコのヒップホップシーンで技術を磨き続けた彼女はDJ Concept、Nylon、Warp、Squireなどの記事で紹介されました。

ソロ活動以前にPaty CantuはメキシコのポップデュオLuのメンバーとして世界各地でツアーを行っていました。今やベテランの域に達した彼女はエレクトロ・ポップ、ヒップホップ、そして彼女の故郷であるグアダラハラのローカル・サウンドの要素をミックスした最新作を発表しさらに注目を集めています。

スペイン バルセロナ出身のRosalíaは、伝統的なフラメンコスタイルのサウンドからスタートし、2年前にBillboardからRising Star Awardを受賞したことで注目を浴びるようになった歌姫です。ヒップホップ、トラップ、レゲトンの要素を取り入れた独自のスタイルで、他アーティストたちからも人気を集めています。最近では、The Weekndの大ヒット曲「Blining Lights」をスパニッシュ・スタイルでリメイクしています。

La Bien Querídaというステージネームを持つAna Fernandez-Villaverdeは、その難解なライブでマドリッドのエレクトロニック・シーンに影響を与え続けている。画家として活躍していた彼女は、同じスペインのインディーロックバンドLos Planetasと共にライブ活動を開始。ニューシングル「Un Gatito」は、さらなる注目を集めています。

Music Discovery: Hottest Latin Female Singers In The World

Ever since Ricky Martin took the world by storm with his performance at the 1999 Grammy Awards, the world of Latin music has had a global impact. In the years to follow with the rise of streaming services, music from all corners of the Spanish speaking world is reaching fans everywhere. And lately, with Reggeaton and Urbano ruling as subgenres in the Latin charts, it felt like there were not enough Latinas representing. In fact, the last few years only had a handful of women made the top 10 on the charts.

Thankfully, we live in a world now where women are taking the forefront in everything from being Vice President of the United States to Prime Minister of New Zealand, and the world of Latin music is rife with female artist who are killing the game in multiple genres screaming, “It’s not a man’s world anymore.”

Below is just a small sample of notable woman making noise around the globe.



2020年は「あるべきはずのものが、ことごとく無くなっていった1年」だったように思います。東京ではオリンピック/パラリンピックが開催されていた「はず」。オリンピック開催に伴い、日本のカルチャーや音楽を思う存分海外へと届けられた「はず」。私自身としては、過去15年ほど毎年必ずツアーマネージャーとして海外公演のために海外へ行っており、2020年もどこかの国で公演の手伝いをしていた「はず」。大学講師としては4月には新入生たちを迎え入れ、対面で授業を教えられていた「はず」。   当たり前だった「はず」を考え直さなければならない1年でした。ただし、音楽の灯はこんなことでは決して消えない「はず」!



Artist: ポルカドットスティングレイ

Album: 何者 (Universal Music)

Track: 化身

Twitter: @polka_fukuoka


Top 10 Albums of 2020

chillbill. – Night Walk (Chill Building) IRIS MONDO – Da(R)win (Mono Mondo) Limonène – Bitter Sweet Idealism (Limonène) ポルカドットスティングレイ – 何者 (Universal Music) 中林鷹村 – Interior (BYC Records) SIRUP – CIY (A.S.A.B/Suppage Records) TENDRE – LIFE LESS LONELY (Rallye Label/Space Shower Music) 藤井風 – HELP EVER HURT NEVER (Hehn Records/Universal Music) Eve – 廻廻奇譚/蒼のワルツ (Toy’s Factory) 君島大空 – 縫層 (Apollo Sounds)

注目を集める世界の女性ラッパーたち PART 1


もしかすると(または願わくば)女性蔑視の文化が後退してきたのかもしれない。また、彼女たちの才能が否定できないほど素晴らしかったのかもしれない。音楽業界全体が、より公平なやり方で表現をする時代が来たと判断したのかもしれない。あるいは、Lil KimやMissy Elliottのような革新的なアーティストが再評価されるようになったのかもしれない。

いずれにせよ、現在の米ラップ界を席巻しているのはCardi BとMegan Thee Stallionだ。さらに2020年はCity GirlsやFlo Milliらの大躍進があり、2021年はTierra WhackやBabyxsosaらの新進気鋭アーティストの新作が期待されている。


今月の音楽プレイリストを開く >


日本 日本語/韓国語/英語の3ヶ国語を操る ちゃんみな の活躍の場は、2021年には全世界へと広がることになるだろう。2020年にリリースされたEP「Angel」は、Jhene AikoやAriana Grandeのような官能的ポップソングさはあるものの、彼女自身の独特なクールな雰囲気を放っている。さらに「Very Nice to Meet You 」ではよりレイドバックな側面も見せている。   Rachel WatashigaとMamiko Suzukiによる女性デュオChelmicoはヒップホップの王道を歩んでいるようだ。伝統を重んじる彼女たちだが、M-Floとのコラボレーション曲「Run Always」ではEDMへのアプローチといった新たな音楽への挑戦も見せてくれる。  

イギリス サウスイーストロンドン出身のEnnyは、J. Coleの歌詞やMissy Elliotのダンスにインスパイアされラップを始めたが、次第にダンスよりも楽曲制作に惹かれていったようだ。「Peng Black Girls 」はイギリスでマイナーヒットした曲で、黒人のエンパワーメントを訴えた楽曲となっている。   サウスロンドンを拠点にするナイジェリア系イギリス人のShayboのラップは、ラフでありながらタフ。そのアグレッシブなスタイルはバラエティに富んでおり、アフロビートからの影響が大きいミニマルな トラック「Dobale」の完成度はズバ抜けている。  

ナイジェリア 絶好調のベテランラッパーPhlowが、気ままにスタジオ録音したEPがこの「Marmalade」。「Cheque」は彼女の魅力を持て余すことなく見せており、そのダンサンブルなサウンドは彼女自身のラップの血統を証明している。これぞクイーンのヴァイヴ。   この数年シーンから離れていたもう一人のベテランラッパーEva Alordiahは、この「Friend Or Foe」でトップに返り咲いた。Kendrick Lamarにインスパイアされた彼女のフロウからは目が離せない。  

ブラジル 服飾デザイナーでもあるTássia Reisは新進気鋭ラッパーであり、エモーショナルなR&Bでクラブ受けもする「Dollar Euro 」のようなトラックを得意としている。   Clara Limaはまさにラップをするために生まれてきたような女性。現在のヒップホップで失われかけているバトルラップの出身だが、楽曲制作にも長けている。「Amarok」では自己のスタイルをトーンダウンしているようにも聞こえるが、エッジを効かせることも忘れてはいない。

Music Discovery: Hottest Female Rappers in the World

It’s no secret that the US sets the trends for hip-hop music worldwide. And one of the most striking trends in 2020 was independent women as stars in their own right, without prominent male endorsements or as token members in a mostly-male crew.

Maybe (hopefully) we became less misogynistic as a culture. Maybe the talent was just too undeniable. Maybe the industry decided it was time to represent itself in a more equitable way. Or maybe it’s a retro thing, with groundbreaking artists like Lil Kim and Missy Elliott being re-appreciated.

Whatever the case, American rap now belongs to superstars Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. 2020 also saw breakthroughs by City Girls and Flo Milli, and 2021 promises new work by rising artists like Tierra Whack and Babyxsosa.

Here are some other notable women in rap making noise around the globe.


JAPAN Making trilingual music (Japanese, Korean, and English), Chanmina is set to have a global […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020 with Chris Robles

1年があっという間に過ぎてしまったけれど、振り返ってみると2020年も素晴らしいアルバムがたくさんリリースされたと思う。世界的なパンデミックが起きたり政治や人種間の対立があったりして、テレビやソーシャルメディアのニュースから気を紛らわせるために音楽を聴いていたんだけどね。DJ D-Niceの「Club Quarantine」、Verzuzウェブキャストのバトル、H.E.R.の「Girls With Guitars」、それにPlayNetworkが手がけたPlayLive Zoom Sessionsとか配信ライブも見ていて楽しいものがたくさんあった。PlayNetwork/Octave Groupも活動を続けることができたのは幸いだったよ。


Artist: Jhene Aiko

Album: Chilombo

Track: Happiness Over Everything (ft. Future, Miguel)

Twitter: @JheneAiko

2020年を通して聴いてきたアルバムを振り返ってみると、クールなトラック満載で色々なシンガーやラッパー(H.E.R.、Future、Miguel、 Nasなど)が参加してるこのアルバムをよく聴いてたかな。3月にリリースされたこのアルバムはハワイでレコーディングされたものもので、曲によってはヒーリングや瞑想に使われるシンギングボウルなんかが使われていて心を落ち着かせる効果がある。このアルバムのリリースはみんながリモートワークや外出自粛なんかを始めた3月頃で、最初から最後までずっといい感じに聴けたというのがこのアルバムをよく聴いた理由だと思う。滑らかなR&Bビートの上に乗ったチル・ヴォーカルとクレバーでウィットに富んだ歌詞がいい。僕のためにあるような最高の1枚だね!

Top 10 Albums of 2020 1. Jhene Aiko – Chilombo 2. DUCKWRTH – Super Good 3. Yaeji – What We Drew 4. SAULT – Untiled (Black Is) 5. 21 Savage & Metro Boomin – Savage Mode II 6. Thundercat – It Is What It Is 7. Jessie Ware – What’s Your Pleasure 8. Tame Impala – The Slow Rush 9. Caribou – Suddenly 10. Teyana Taylor – The Album

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020 with Ruben Lira



Artist: Lianne La Havas

Album: Lianne La Havas

Track: Read My Mind

Twitter: @liannelahavas

この不安と混乱に満ちた時代のなか、1日の原動力にもなり揺らぎ流れるようなサウンドを見つけた−それがLianne La Havasだ。ジャズ/フォーク/R&Bのハイブリッドであるこのアルバムでは、パワフルだがシンプルさと複雑さに溢れる歌詞で変化や別れの感情が表現されている。「Read My Mind」のようなトラックでは、エレガントなピアノとストリングスが紡がれており、さらにLianne La Havasの素朴なヴォーカルがメロディのに浮かび上がってくる。アルバムは風変わりギターとヴォーカルの「Green Papaya」から、繊細なテクスチャーが織り成すエッジの効いたパワフルなRadioheadのカバー曲「Weird Fishes」へと進んでいき、最後は「Sour Flower」と「Bittersweet」というパワフルな2曲で締めくくられる。このアルバムは2020年への変化や静けさや美しさを内包していると言えよう。

Top 10 Albums of 2020 1. Lianne La Havas – Lianne La Havas 2. Moses Sumney – Grae 3. Lido Pimienta – Miss Colombia 4. Ganser – Just Look At That Sky 5. Monophonics – It’S Only Us 6. Pheobe Bridgers – Punisher 7. Perfume Genius – Set My Heart on Fire Immediately 8. Spillage Village – Spilligion 9. Fleet Foxes – Shore 10. Khruangbin – Mordechai

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020 with Kate Siem



Artist: Yves Tumor

Album: Heaven To A Tortured Mind

Track: Gospel For A New Century

Twitter: @YvesTumor

私自身の音楽的嗜好は全体的に統一性があって、2020年に君臨したアルバムはYves Tumorの『Heaven To A Tortured Mind』。その中でも特筆すべきトラック「Gospel For A New Century」は、アルバム全体に感じられる穏やかさを封じ込めてる楽曲。過去を映すと同時に未来を予測する二重の鏡のようなこのアルバムは、可能性が無駄に終わる運命を認めながらも「もしかしたらありえたかもしれない」ということを敢えて問いかける1枚。

Top 10 Albums 1. Yves Tumor – Heaven To A Tortured Mind 2. Charli XCX – how i’m feeling now 3. Dua Lipa – Future Nostalgia 4. Fiona Apple – Fetch the Boltcutters 5. Rina Sawayama – Sawayama 6. Tame Impala – The Slow Rush 7. Grimes – Miss Anthropocene 8. DRAMA – Dance Without Me 9. Princess Nokia – Everything is Beautiful 10. Theophilus London – Bebey

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020 with Brittany Ward

プレイネットワークで働き始めて7年、音楽部門では3年になるBrittany Wardです。ラップ、R&B、ポップス、カントリーミュージックなど、とにかくヒット曲が大好き。この1年、そして2021年もアーティストたちがずっと音楽を産み続けてくれることを神様に感謝してる。音楽が私たちをまとめ上げてくれることができるはずだとは分かっていても、かつてないほどに世界が分断した2020年は途方もない無力感を感じたわ。でも幸いなことに私のレーダーに引っかかったYung Baby Tate、Flo Milli、Saweetieといったアーティストたちがアルバムをリリースしてくれたし、Bree Runwayも今年のナンバーワンアルバムを届けてくれた。彼らこそが音楽と世界に希望を与えてくれるアーティストたち。


Artist: Bree Runway

Album: 200AND4EVA

Track: ATM feat. Missy Elliott

Twitter: @breerunway

まいったわね。年の瀬になってリリースされたロンドン出身のBree Runwayのアルバムが2020年の私にとってのベストアルバムになっちゃった。ミックステープともいうべき、短かいけどスウィートなアルバムだけど、どのトラックもヒット曲になりうる。ロックやヒップホップや80’s/90’sの音楽にインスパイアされたトラックまで、多種多様の影響を受けているサウンド。伝説のMissy Elliottをはじめとして、女性ラッパーだけをフィーチャーしていて、間違いなくステップアップを目指した一作。

Top 10 Albums Of 2020 1. Bree Runway – 200AND4EVA 2. Chloe x Halle – Ungodly Hour 3. Parisalexa – 2 Real 4. Margo Price – That’s How Rumors Get Started 5. RMR – DRUG DEALING IS A LOST ART 6. Megan Thee Stallion – SUGA 7. Flo Milli – Ho, Why Is You Here? 8. Hayley Williams – Petals For Armor 9. Lil Uzi Vert – Eternal Atake 10. Lauv – ~how i’m feeling~

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020 with Tommy Virga



Artist: Skinshape

Album: Umoja

Track: Kourou- Modou Toure

Twitter: @Skinshape

Skinshapeは、UKオルタナティブバンドPalaceのベーシストとして活動していたWilliam Doreyのソロプロジェクトで、「Umoja」は5枚目のアルバム。この風変わりな1年において、遠く離れた時間と場所に自分の気持ちをテレポートするのにこれ以上のアルバムはなかったな。アフリカン、ファンク、ソウル、サイコ、レゲエ、フォークなんかのヴィンテージサウンドをブレンドしたこの作品は、リラックスした感じだけど同時にすごく刺激的。僕は歌詞を解剖して解釈するのが好きなんだけど、このアルバムはただ足を上げて座って聴いてるだけで夢を見ているような気分になるよ。

Top 10 Albums of 2020 1. Skinshape- Umoja 2. SAULT- Untitled (Rise) 3. Tom Misch, Yussef Dayes-What Kinda Music 4. Sirens of Lesbos-Sol 5. Cut Worms-Nobody Lives Here Anymore 6. Masego-Studying Abroad 7. Yves Tumor-Heaven to A Tortured Mind 8. 21 Savage, Metro Boomin-Savage Mode II 9. DRAMA-Dance without me 10. J Hus – Big Conspiracy

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020 with Pete Greenberg



Artist: I Break Horses

Album: Warnings

Track: Turn

Twitter: @Ibreakhorses

I Break Horsesの最新作「Warnings」は、前2作と同様にとても魅惑的な作品に仕上がっている。渦巻くダイナミックなループ、優美なビート、さらに魅惑的なフックに満ちたこのアルバムを聴いていると、高揚感のある不思議な夢の風景の中を旅しているような気分なる。霧が立ち込めた深夜の世界へと誘うようなシンセによって、このアルバムのサウンドが特徴づけられていると言えるだろう。僕はこのアルバムが持つムードを心の底から楽しんでいるよ。

Top 10 ALBUMS 1. I Break Horses – Warnings 2. Clem Snide – Forever Just Beyond 3. Best Coast – Always Tomorrow 4. Perfume Genius – Set My Heart on Fire Immediately 5. Mundy’s Bay – Lonesome Valley 6. Future Generations – Darling EP 7. The War And Treaty – Hearts Town 8. Waxahatchee – Saint Cloud 9. Fleet Foxes Shore 10. Moses Sumney – grae

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020 with Mark Campbell



Artist: Erasure

Album: The Neon

Track: Fallen Angel

Twitter: @erasureinfo

ErasureのVince ClarkeとAndy Bellは過去35年間にわたり、20世紀ポップソングにおいて最も記憶に残り愛される曲を作り続けてきた。彼らが成功し続ける鍵は、長年にわたって実践してきた音楽錬金術にあるだろう。Bellの天使のようなヴォーカルにClarkeのきらびやかなシンセライン、さらに卓越したソングライティングを融合させることで、アコースティックギターでもミニモーグの演奏でも変わらずに聴けるような豊潤で永続的な曲を産み続けている。2017年にリリースされた「World Be Gone」ではメランコリックな側面を見せたが、今回の「The Neon」では再び高揚感とダンスの特性を取り戻している。なかでも「Fallen Angel」と 「Shot A Satellite」は特筆すべきトラックだ。全体的に楽しさにあふれインスピレーションを与えてくれるレコードであり、これこそがこの予測不可能な1年からの転換に必要なものだと思う。

Top 10 Albums of 2020 1. Erasure – The Neon 2. Caribou – Suddenly 3. Fleet Foxes – Shore 4. Tame Impala – The Slow Rush 5. Benge – Mirror Systems 6. Groove Armada – Edge of The Horizon 7. Recondite – Dwell 8. Thundercat – It Is What It Is 9. 070 Shake – Modus Vivendi 10. AC/DC – Power Up

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020 with Dean Sven Carlson



Artist: Sault

Album: Untitled (Rise)

Track: Free

Twitter: @SaultGlobal

僕が選んだ2作は2020年という1年をそのまま表すようなアルバムで、インスタグラムもやってないし、アー写すらないようなバンド/コラボ/プロジェクトだ。彼らは1年で2枚のアルバムをリリースしたが、どちらも目の前の現実を痛烈に取り込んだとてもパンチのある作品だった。この謎のトリオSaultにはUKプロデューサーであるInfloやR&BシンガーのCleo Sol、またシカゴ出身のKid Sisterが参加していることは分かっているが、分かっているのはむしろそれくらいだ。「Free」と 「Wildfires」で始まり、「Strong」と「Little Boy」へと続くソウルフルな楽曲群は苦しかったこの1年を総括はしているが、むしろ自分は一人ではないということを教えてくれ、希望に満ちた気持ちにさせてくれるんだ。

Top 10 Albums of 2020 1. SAULT – Untitled (Rise) 2. SAULT – Untiled (Black Is) 3. Arlo Parks – 6 Singles 4. Tame Impala – The Slow Rush 5. ford. – The Color of Nothing 6. Slow Pulp – Moveys 7. Jim-E Stack – EPHEMERA 8. Cape Francis – Plateaus 9. Simen Mitled – Birds; or, Stories From Charlie B’s Travels From Gronland to the Sun, and Back Again 10. Arms and Sleepers – Safe Area Earth




Artist: Dove

Album: The Universal Want

Track: Carousels

Twitter: @dovesmusicblog

マンチェスター出身のバンドDovesは、シングル「Caught by the River」に続いてリリースされた2002年のアルバム「The Last Broadcast」で全英アルバムチャート1位を獲得し、 2000年代にはそのキャリアの最高潮に達していた。ヴォーカルとドラムを担当するジェズとアンディのウィリアムズ双子兄弟、そしてベースのジミ・グッドウィンが率いるこのトリオが2010年に活動を休止することを決定した当時は、世界各国でコンサートチケットが完売。そして9年間にも及んだ休止期間を経て、ついに10年ぶりのアルバム「The Universal Want」をリリース。ニューシングル 「Carousels」を初めて聴いた瞬間に、僕は彼らのカムバックを確信したよ。シューゲイザーのエネルギーと絶望からの希望を歌ったこの曲は、PitchforkやRolling StoneやStereogumからも大絶賛。

Top 10 Albums of 2020 1. Doves – The Universal Want 2. Tame Impala – The Slow Rush 3. The Republic Tigers – Mind Over Matter 4. Tita – Todo Es Mental 5. Fleet Foxes – Shore 6. Hannah Georges – All That Emotion 7. Christian Jean – Cararsis 8. Stella Lennon – Three. Two. One. 9. Soccer Mommy – Color Theory 10. Nada Surf – Never Not Together

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

2020 was the worst. But 2020 music was the best.


Artist: The Microphones

Album: Microphones in 2020

Song: Microphones in 2020

The best songs are 2 minutes or less. That would mean the song “Microphones in 2020” is 22 times dope. Phil flows through a soul-baring (crushing) lyrical meditation over acoustic guitar and if you’re brave enough to get to the end of the song, you’ll be rewarded with your own questions about life and the meaning behind it all. Kind of like this past year.

Top 10 Albums in alphabetical order

1. Ana Roxanne “Because of a Flower” 2. Bad Bunny “YHLQMDLG” 3. Boldy James “The Price of Tea in China” 4. Cindy Lee “What’s Tonight To Eternity” 5. Eartheater “Phoenix: Flames Are Dew Upon My Skin” 6. Hiroshi Yoshimura “Green” Reissue 7. Jusell, Prymek, Sage, Shiroishi “Fuubutsushi (風物詩) 8. Lil Baby “My […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

2020 was the year the world stood still, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread and took music legends like Harold Budd and Manu Dibango from us and propelled the whole live music industry into crisis. Sonically, it felt like a strong year in music, as some artists powered through and soundtracked the year’s events: Taylor Swift addressed love and loss in isolation while remotely writing and recording her album Folklore alongside contributors Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner, as they all quarantined separately. Anderson Paak’s compelling soul-funk protest song, “Lockdown,” touched on the pandemic, systemic racism and police brutality after the death of George Floyd. Jorja Smith’s powerful cover of St. Germain’s Rose Rouge featured a video of Black Lives Matter protests from around the world, in a moving montage, leaving an impactful and soulful sentiment.


Artist: Matt Berninger

Album: Serpentine Prison

Track: One More Second

Twitter: @Mattberninger

This […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

This year has flown by and looking back; there has been a lot of great music released this year. I found myself listening to music to keep myself distracted from the ongoing stories about the global pandemic, politics and racial tensions on TV, social media, etc. There were a lot of fun things to watch online like DJ D-Nice’s “Club Quarantine,” Verzuz battles, H.E.R. “Girls With Guitars,” and a ton of other livestreams including our own PlayLive Zoom Sessions. Fortunately, we were able to continue doing our jobs here at PlayNetwork/Octave Group, and as a Music Supervisor, the opportunity to also discover some good tunes!


Artist: Jhene Aiko

Album: Chilombo

Track: Happiness Over Everything (ft. Future, Miguel)

Twitter: @JheneAiko

After looking back at all of the albums I’ve listened to throughout the year, I found myself playing this album a lot because it was […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

The beauty of music – it absorbs all the changes and the emotions around us and can become the upspoken truth of the current state of society. With all these challenges, some of the best music was released which will be immortalized within our minds, connecting us to 2020. As a music fan, and one who curates music for a living, my personal music taste varies in sounds and style. This year my tastes seem to have morphed into an explorative palette not defined by any one sound – which seems pretty fitting for this year. These were the albums that were the emotional lift needed to push me through the year. Now, picking one album to focus on can be difficult, but one connected with me more than others…


Artist: Lianne La Havas

Album: Lianne La Havas

Track: Read My Mind

Twitter: @liannelahavas


Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

In a year of extremes, I found myself cradled in a nest of polarities. Hyper pop became inherently interwoven with retro folk, while industrial hip-hop befriended modern synth-pop. Barriers between genres became increasingly outdated, in the same way, time melded into its own new, hybrid relevance.


Artist: Yves Tumor

Album: Heaven To A Tortured Mind

Track: Gospel For A New Century

Twitter: @YvesTumor

My overall music taste united in a holistic manner, with Yves Tumor’s Heaven To A Tortured Mind reigning as the most poignant album listened to in 2020. Featured here, the star track “Gospel For A New Century” opens and encapsulates the levity of consciousness that’s felt throughout the entire album. Resting like a double-paned mirror both reflecting the past and predicting the future, the album dares to ask what could be while still acknowledging the quicksand fate of wasted potential.

Top 10 Albums 1. […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

I’m Brittany Ward and I’ve worked at PlayNetwork coming up on 7 years, and in the music department for about 3. I love rap, R&B, pop, country music, and well, really anything that is a HIT… you know? Thank God for these artists continually putting out music during a year that will likely continue to suck into 2021. I know music can be a great unifier, but this year has had me feeling more helpless than ever in the middle of a world divided in a way it has never been before. Fortunately for me and everyone else, there has been a flurry of new albums from artists not before on my radar including Yung Baby Tate, Flo Milli, Saweetie and my #1 album of the year… Bree Runway. These people give me hope for music and the world.


Artist: Bree Runway

Album: 200AND4EVA

Track: ATM feat. Missy Elliott


Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

What can I say about 2020 that has not already been said? It has been a hard year for this planet. With small businesses closing and so many people out of work with no health insurance or knowing when their next meal will come from, we need to come together to help the people who need it most. Sometimes you need to find the little joys in life to help you and others get through these hard times. One of my little joys in life is discovering new music and sharing it with the world. Whether it’s DJing for a live audience or putting together the perfect playlist to express how I’m feeling at the moment. Music is love and everyone should love one another regardless of their beliefs or race.


Artist: Skinshape

Album: Umoja

Track: Kourou- Modou Toure

Twitter: @Skinshape

Skinshape is the […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

Okay, 2020 has been a year. And yep, here’s another blog post calling out what you already know very well. Fair enough. As we’ve moved through this year with so many twists and turns, what’s been… not necessarily surprising but, greatly appreciated, is the amount of great music that has shown up to help make this year a little brighter, a little deeper, a little more nuanced in the best possible ways.


Artist: I Break Horses

Album: Warnings

Track: Turn

Twitter: @Ibreakhorses

I Break Horses’ latest release Warnings, turns out to be just as captivating as their previous two. Full of swirling dynamic loops, ethereal beats, and captivating hooks, the album takes you on a journey through what feels like a multitude of dreamscapes of high-floating wonderment. Playing within synth-laden atmospherics that send you into the late night just as fog rolls in, there’s something to be said […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

Best of the year playlists (similar to opinions) are like bellybuttons; everybody has one. And moreover, as a Music Supervisor and DJ whose responsibilities include taking requests and anticipating what YOU want to hear, it’s always a bit strange for me to be asked, “What music do you like?” Nevertheless, here’s a few of the records that caught my attention during this weird and wacky year.


Artist: Erasure

Album: The Neon

Track: Fallen Angel

Twitter: @erasureinfo

For the last 35 years, Vince Clarke and Andy Bell of Erasure have been crafting some of the most memorable and beloved Pop songs of the 20th century. And the key to their continued success is their long-practiced musical alchemy. By blending Bell’s angelic vocals, Clarke’s glittering synth lines, and (most importantly) exceptional songwriting, they create rich and enduring tunes that sound equally good when played on either […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

2020 was indeed one hell of a year. Music helps everyone get through the challenges — be it the harsh realities of COVID-19, responding to systemic racism in society or enduring the surreal US election, you could count on discovering new sounds that lifted you through the fog and chaos. To make matters worse, for fans and everyone in the music business, the pandemic immediately shut down live performances, changing the way we listened to and shared our musical experiences. During lockdown, artists were either incredibly prolific, releasing multiple albums, EPs and singles at a rapid pace, or they hunkered down and focused on live-stream events and virtual collaboration where tracks could be remotely recorded and mixed down. All the more reason to support your local record shops, venues and artists in any way you can, so when things start to slowly return to normal, music will be there to welcome us all back!



Music Discovery: Top Albums of 2020

Wow – 2020, where do I start? The year actually started off on a positive note with everyone coming together to help with the Australian wildfires and we even had a great Super Bowl Halftime show with both J.Lo and Shakira nailing their performances. Unfortunately, the light dimmed a little bit for everyone. So much has happened this past year, in such a short window that it’s easy to forget to take a moment and reflect on the humanity of life, be it racial injustice, political dividedness and this pandemic called COVID-19. One thing that always seems to bring a light, is music. Music can bring out so much emotion in people. Be it a fond memory that a lyric sparks, a sound that makes the heart groove, and even a voice that soothes the soul. Here, I’ve gathered a group of 10 music supervisors to write about their favorite album of the year as well as to create a small playlist of their favorite songs for the year. I […]

Music Discovery: November 2020

Hi, I’m Alex Ruder and I’m a music supervisor at The Octave Group. No doubt it’s a prerequisite for the job, but I’m a fan of a lot of types of music. A genre that I’ve been particularly passionate about for a while now though, that you probably don’t hear blasting through the speakers at your favorite retail spots, is ambient music. The calm, spacious, and meditative tones – it’s been a welcome and much-needed reprieve from the noise of everyday life. Maybe a world where everyone listens to more ambient music would be a more peaceful and beautiful place? I’d like to think so.

While it’s been growing in popularity over the years, it’s still a style of music created by artists who aren’t often all that concerned with social media numbers or receive the support of major label marketing budgets. It makes digging for this type of music all the more thrilling, especially when you discover a song, or an album, or an artist that is able to […]

Music Discovery: October 2020

2020. The year that seems to be flying by, yet somehow, also frozen in time. In the midst of this twilight zone, we all have a little bit more time on our hands and I’ve tried to take advantage of it by discovering some new tunes. I’ve recently found myself gravitating towards an electro-indie-alt genre blend that has reminded me to chill amongst all this chaos in the world. Below are just a few tracks that have been love letters to my ears. Maybe they can bring you a little peace to get you through the rest of the year. Enjoy! – Kalla


Artist: Peter Manos

Track: Tennessee

Twitter: @peternmanos

This little diddly first sparked my interest when I heard the vocals enter with the auto-tune, only to be pleasantly surprised with the chordal progression of a secondary dominant (music theory nerd here). I was attracted to the simplicity and ethereal mood of the song […]

Music Discovery: September 2020

Since we started working from home in March, as everyone is aware — the current world we live in with the global pandemic, racial tensions, and political differences has had me paying a lot more attention to these issues, which sometimes can be too much to handle. Music has been a good escape to get lost in songs that I’ve enjoyed in the past and also the chance to discover new songs. I always gravitate towards songs that have a chill, smooth beat; usually R&B or Reggae is what I listen to when I want to relax. For something more upbeat, I listen to some good electronic/dance and hip-hop music to improve my mood. As a fan of 80’s and 90’s R&B, these recently-released songs caught my attention because they reminded me of similar artists from those eras.


Artist: Snoh Aalegra

Track: Dying For Your Love

Twitter: @snohaalegra

Aside from her looks and style, […]

Music Discovery: August 2020

In these strange and turbulent times, one thing that has helped me lean back from the fray of the day to day routine is getting to appreciate just how much great music is out there these days. Whether indoors late at night or out in the sunshine in the middle of the day, here is a small selection of what’s caught my ear recently that I hope you will enjoy.


Artist: Archers of Loaf

Track: Raleigh Days

Twitter: @archers_of

Iconic indie-rockers, Archers of Loaf, are back and they are bringing the fire with them! “Raleigh Days” illustrates just how capable the band is of producing quality jams time and time again. Anthemic in its structure, “Raleigh Days” finds the band looking back to the weight of an era remembered all the while finding a way to grasp for what is yet to come.

RIYL: Guided By Voices, Gang […]

Music Discovery: July 2020

This time and space we’re currently occupying is bursting with a multitude of layers representing so much to so many different people. One seemingly common connector is a tangible feeling of change, one that’s propelled forward by the progression of the Black Lives Matter movement, the celebration of Pride, and the opportunity to care for each other amidst the ongoing pandemic.

Change is a hard thing to capture, especially as we harness the potential energy behind it in a kinetic display meant to dismantle and rebuild the systems and attitudes that shape our world. We are existing in a fluid state. While the lack of definition may make the future seem daunting, we’re also offered the opportunity to create new ways to serve all people. Like rivers carving their path to the sea.

The following featured tracks and accompanying playlist aim to encapsulate the magnitude of the times through a mix of new music and other tracks that just felt right. Together may we Lift Every Voice and Sing.


Music Discovery: June 2020

At PlayNetwork we condemn racial injustice, bigotry, and discrimination in all forms. We support Black Communities. We encourage everyone to listen and learn from those who are suffering. We believe that together we can conquer hate. 

In a recent interview, Stacey Abrams described the events of the past week as what happens when people are desperate for “their pain to be validated” and that, before all else, “we have to start by saying what you feel and what you fear is real.”  For centuries, protest songs have been a powerful expression of those feelings and fears, calling our attention to societal injustices. 

The PlayNetwork music team has collaborated on a playlist of protest songs and compiled a list of resources below that can help you get involved.   

Black Lives Matter is leading the Movement to fight for freedom, liberation, and justice. The NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund  is the country’s top legal firm fighting for racial justice. […]

Music Discovery: May 2020

Hi, my name is Brittany Ward and I’m a Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork. My job requires an eclectic music taste, but my personal tastes range from hip-hop to country with everything in between. I love discovering new music and my favorite sounds to listen to have a blend of multiple genres. Below, are some of my crossover songs I’ve been listening to lately.  


Artist: Parisalexa

Track: Chocolate

Twitter: @parisalexamusic

Hailing from the Seattle area, Parisalexa had a busy last year appearing on the TV show Songland to perform a song she wrote in front of Charlie Puth and other judges who gave her the praise all of us in the Northwest knew she deserved. She’s been on my radar for quite some time but her new music is making a leap into a new level of R&B pop music.


Artist: Margo Price

Track: Twinkle Twinkle

Twitter: @MissMargoPrice

Margo Price […]

Music Discovery: April 2020

There are many music quotes out there but the one that has always caught my attention is “Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest.”

I love talking music, and always tell people that the emotional power of music connects us all. Today, you see it firsthand around the world, whether it is everyday people singing from their balconies or popular musicians sharing free showcases on social media from the comfort of their homes.

I’ve gathered our music team to share some of their favorite go-to songs that lift their spirits when they are feeling down and are just good for the soul. Take a listen, sing along as loud as you can, dance around the house while in self-quarantine and make sure to remember that we are all in this together.




Important Notice: COVID-19 Update

A Message to Our Customers from CEO Ross Honey:

Like all of you, we have spent the last several weeks tracking the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our world. For Octave Group, that means understanding how it affects our employees, customers and communities, and then making the necessary adjustments to our work and operations.

To that end we have two goals. First and foremost, our priority is to keep our employees, customers and the communities we operate in safe. This has been at the center of our planning and actions every step of the way.

Our second goal is to continue to deliver a high quality of service and maintain smooth operations while adapting the way we work. With these goals in mind, we have made several changes in our operations in response to the threat of the coronavirus.

We have eliminated all non-essential business travel and enforced a work from home program for almost all employees to do what we can to help prevent the spread of […]

Music Discovery: March 2020

Hi, I’m Matthew Hayman , a Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork in our London office.This month marks one year in the business for me, and what better way to celebrate this occasion than to share some of my new music discoveries. The albums I’ve featured include a long-awaited return from a personal favourite, a new solo record from an unsung talent and sadly a farewell to one of the most influential heroes in music.


Artist: Agnes Obel

Track: Broken Sleep

Twitter: @agnesobel

Agnes Obel is a self-written, recorded and produced Danish singer/songwriter. This month she returns with her spellbinding fourth album. Recording in isolation and mainly at night in her Berlin home studio; Myopia explores dark themes of trust and doubts through minimal orchestration and rich melodies. While her angelic vocal preaches to melancholy tones, which unwind and twist into a heart-warming and celestial sound, she has produced an elegant and hauntingly beautiful record.


Artist: John Carroll Kirby

Track: Blueberry […]

Music Discovery: February 2020

With the start of 2020 comes a new decade of releases. New bands trying to make their mark as well as reunions from bands/artist that have some people asking “Why,” while others welcome with open arms. One thing that never changes from year to year is new music being release that is music for the soul and for the ears. Below are two new releases that are on repeat and a classic track that is a flashback to a sound and time in my youth where music started to inspire me and take me down a path where music would become my life. RIP Andy Gill.


Artist: Kasbo feat. Lizzy Land

Track: I Get You

Twitter: @KasboMusic

Swedish producer, DJ, genius Carl Garsbo aka Kasbo has remixed songs for such artists as Jai Wolf, Local Natives and Vance Joy but it’s his own produced music that has people taking notice, especially after ODESZA picked him to open for a few shows during […]

Music Discovery: January 2020

Hi, I am Ruben Lira, an associate music supervisor here at PlayNetwork. I am fortunate to be able to listen to all types of music for work. My taste can vary, but something I always try to push, is discovering the lesser known artists. These are some of the songs currently being played on repeat on my playlist.




Artist: Lilith

Track: Vacation

Twitter: @lilithworldwide

“Vacation” feels like a throwback to those 90s-weezer-esque songs, put out by a pair of indie labels in Boston – Disposable-America Records and Take this to Heart Records – Lilith is both huge in sound and poetic depth within the lyrics.


Artist: Julien Baker

Track: Tokyo

Twitter: @julienbaker

A journey into an intense time of life – the song starts off somewhat tranquil then veers into a buildup into this soundscape of complexities. This is a single put out by the venerable Sub Pop Records who continues to bring awareness to those […]

Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

Hi, Dean Carlson here, trying to select just 3 songs from 2019 to feature on our blog is like torture, a process of elimination that involves repeated listens and a bit of homework, but here are several examples of what I fell in love with/streamed the most over the course of the last 12 months.



Artist: Michael Kiwanuka

Track: Hero

Twitter: @michaelkiwanuka

Michael Kiwanuka is one of those artists who stop you in your tracks and demand to be listened to, a genuine, down-to-earth singer-songwriter who observes the world around him and creates songs that are timeless and immediately modern at the same time.


Artist: Mallrat

Track: Nobody’s Home

Twitter: @lilmallrat

Mallrat is 21-year-old Grace Kathleen Elizabeth, a young singer-songwriter from Brisbane, Australia who made a big splash on her local radio station, Triple J, with a little single titled “Groceries” which landed in the Top 10 last year. I was hooked the moment I heard this […]

Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

Hi, I am Kate Siem, Associate Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork and this is my End of an Era: 2019 Deconstructed top picks for the year. I’ve always had two separate relationships with music – the objective and the subjective. The objective operates like an academic immersing themselves in their studies; getting lost enough to discover something too unique to find without genuine searching. Balanced by the subjective, this relationship to music blossoms like a love affair too passionate to ever be fleeting. My top three picks for 2019 reflect each respective approach, with the third being a little blend of the two. Hope you enjoy, and cheers to more great music in 2020.



Artist: Jessica Pratt

Track: This Time Around

Twitter: @JessicaPrattSF

Quantifiable as an objective pursuit, listening to any of Jessica Pratt’s work reminds one that, at its core, music is too expansive to be labeled and boxed. I’ve been avidly following her work since her self-titled debut LP in […]

Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

Hi,my name is Ruben Lira, an associate music supervisor with PlayNetwork. I am fortunate to be able to go through all types of music for work. As with other years, 2019 brought an assortment of music from all genres. These are some of my favorite albums or EP for 2019.



Artist: Black Pumas

Track: Black Moon Rising

Twitter: @BlackPumasMusic

Music can make you move, inspire thoughtful conversations, and bring about a soulful coolness to your day… this is the Black Pumas. A Staxx Records-esque soul revival with a modern R&B smoothness throughout the entire record.


Artist: Acid Tongue

Track: If Lovin’ You Was Easier

Twitter: @acidtongue

I imagine this is what a modern Rolling Stones would sound like – a balance between psychedelic and soul, with ease. Yet, with all this fun, the music is straight forward and still finds a way to challenge the norm.


Artist: Brittany Howard

Track: Stay High



Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

Hi, I’m Music Supervisor Chris Robles. R&B and Reggae are some of the main styles of music that I gravitate to and the songs I picked reflects this. These songs weren’t big hits or chart toppers, but I definitely gave these songs repeat listens. Enjoy!



Artist: Tei Shi feat. Blood Orange

Track: Even If It Hurts

Twitter: @TeiShi

This song has a nice smooth groove and sultry vocals that I enjoyed listening to while chillin’ at home. This is their second collaboration together, she was on the Blood Orange’s song “Hope,” which also features Puff Daddy.


Artist: Skip Marlety Feat. H.E.R.

Track: Slow Down

Twitter: @SkipMarley

A nice Reggae/R&B collaboration that I wasn’t expecting to happen. Skip Marley is the son of Cedella Marley (Bob Marley’s daughter) and H.E.R. complement each other very well on this song. I would love to hear H.E.R. do more reggae style songs in the future!


Artist: Haile Supreme

Track: […]

Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

Hello! I’m Patrick Milgram, an Associate Music Supervisor here at PlayNetwork. There’s been so much great music over the past year and here are three albums I spent a lot of time getting lost in.



Artist: Wand

Track: Scarecrow

Twitter: @corythanson

The fifth album from these Drag City psych-rockers, Laughing Matter is so many things at once and I love it all. Described as an album about “love in a time of terror,” the music spans from darker, dystopic tracks reminiscent of Kid-A era Radiohead to lighter acoustic cuts that serve as beautifully hypnotic counterpoints. By the time you finish the first four songs it feels like you’ve witnessed the apocalypse, heard the dust gently settle, and then emerged for a breath of fresh air.


Artist: Helado Negro

Track: Running

Twitter: @HeladoNegro

Roberto Carlos Lange’s sixth album and is likely my most played album of the year. As perfect on Sunday mornings as late nights during a […]

Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

Hey I’m Grady Tyree, a gatekeeper of sorts for PlayNetwork, and the collection of songs I’m including are emblematic of my favorite album from 2019, Jessy Wilson’s debut Phase. There are a lot of strong female voices, a solid thread of funk and soul as well as some gnarly riffs peppered throughout, hopefully enough to get your head bobbin’ or foot tappin’ to the grooves!



Artist: Jessy Wilson

Track: Clap Your Hands

Twitter: @heymswilson

As of late Thirty Tigers has been on a roll with top-notch releases and back in April, my ears were baptized in the sonic splendor of Jessy Wilson’s debut release Phase and it’s rarely left my car CD player or random playlist I’ve put together in 2019! Brooklyn native, now Nashville resident, got her start back in 2013, touring as a back-up singer to Alicia Keys then forming her first band, Muddy Magnolias, only to move on to a solo career that includes co-writing credits with the […]

Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

Hi, my name is Brittany Ward and I am an Associate Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork. All kinds of music find their way to my ears, but I gravitate towards new sounds in rap, retro sounding R&B, pop and country music. Below are 3 albums that kept coming up for me throughout 2019.




Artist: Young Thug

Track: Just How It Is

Twitter: @youngthug

For anyone that knows me, I am a fan of the Grammy award winning rapper Young Thug and so it’s likely not a surprise that So Much Fun is on my “best of” list. This is technically Thugger’s debut album, but he has been exploring sounds and releasing mixtapes for years, so this album feels more like a college senior year project turned in at the end of a long semester. He has perfected his sound and ideas so this album makes me happy from start to finish because it’s just so Young Thug.


Artist: Lil […]

Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

I’m Nicole Maroutsos, Manager of Music Services at PlayNetwork. I’m lucky that my job involves spending time every day exploring new releases and sharing them with people all over the world through in-store placement. While it’s impossible to narrow down the best, the two albums below were ones I often had on repeat.




Artist: Chaka Khan

Track: Hello Happiness

Twitter: @ChakaKhan

The Queen of Funk returned this year with her first album in over a decade. Although she’s been in the business over forty years, she sounds as contemporary as ever while still staying true to her classic funk roots. Her seven-track album is uplifting, empowering, and sure to cement her icon status with the younger generations as well.


Artist: Maren Morris

Track: Girl

Twitter: @MarenMorris

Maren Morris’ 2019 album Girl has a little something for everyone; she takes the country roots that made her first album a smash and weaves them with the pop appeal […]

Music Discovery: Top Picks of 2019

PlayNetwork Music Supervisor, Pete Greenberg here, joining in on this end of the year’s top picks list for 2019. Without a doubt the year has provided some amazing recordings and honestly, it’s been extremely challenging in deciding which few to present here. As I’ve shuffled through track after track trying to cull the list down to less than a billion awesome songs, here’s where I’ve managed to land for today.




Artist: The Regrettes

Track: I Dare You

Twitter: @regrettesband

California rock band, The Regrettes released their 2nd album this year How Do You Love? And truthfully, I love every single song on this record. The album winds through all the stages of a new relationship, detailing the initial moments of recognition of interest to picking up the pieces and walking out the door ending. Pulling from influences like The Strokes, The Ramones, and even moments of The Replacements, “I Dare You” beckons you to look into your heart and remember […]

Music Discovery: December 2019

Here at the Octave Group, our dedicated music curators work with clients around the globe, listening to music for a diverse range of consumers, from high-end retailers to small one-off mom and pop joints that want to hear the best music for their specific brand and customers. From this unique perspective, we factor in music that is popular and familiar, but what makes our jobs so unique and enjoyable are the deeper more obscure cuts by an artist or band that just broke into the scene that no one knows about yet. This is what makes us stand out from the rest and is one of the many reasons why our clients love our work so much.

With that in mind, we are happy to announce the return of our year-end list for 2019. The list will showcase 10 of our music experts’ favorite songs and albums of the year. And to go along with each curator’s pick, we’re adding everyone’s favorite hits of the year to this month’s playlist. 


Music Discovery: October 2019

Hey, my name is Spencer Manio, Sr Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork. I listen to all kinds of music for work but I mostly listen to rap, ambient, and dad jazz on my own time. The playlist is a mix of stuff I’ve been rockin’ as of late.




Artist: Sudan Archives

Track: Confessions

Twitter: @sudanarchives

“Confessions” is the first single from violinist, singer, songwriter, and producer Sudan Archives’ upcoming debut album Athena on Stones Throw Records. It’s one of my favorite songs of 2019 and it’s perfect for me.


Artist: DaBaby

Track: Intro

Twitter: @DaBabyDaBaby

“Intro” is the lead single off Kirk, the latest album from the current king of rap, DaBaby. Who knew you could turn up to a song that samples a *NSYNC Christmas song.

Music Discovery: September 2019

Howdy! My name is J.D. Tierney, and I’ve been working as the Music Services Intern here at PlayNetwork for the past three months. To celebrate my conscription into the workforce, I thought I’d make a playlist of new music exclusively from artists about my age who are likewise beginning to embark on their musical careers. All the songs on this playlist are made by, or feature prominently, artists who are “Gen Z,” or “iGen,” or whatever the term is this week. That means they were born in year 1995 or later. For reference, I was born in 1997.

The playlist is a Smörgåsbord of hip-hop, RnB, lo-fi pop, electronic, and indie rock. Come to think of it, most of the songs here will have two or three styles of those evident in its DNA. Below I’ve written about three songs I feel are particularly noteworthy. I hope you enjoy.



Artist: Litany

Track: My Dude

Twitter: @litanymusic

Litany is a duo of […]

Music Discovery: August 2019

Hi, I’m Alex Ruder. I’ve been a Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork for nearly 6 years now, and outside of PlayNetwork I’m a DJ at KEXP and also run a small independent label called Hush Hush Records.

Women were responsible for some of the most exciting albums of 2018 and they’re continuing to crush it in 2019. Here’s a few singles from new and new-ish women artists I’ve had on repeat this year…



Artist: Long Beard

Track: Sweatheart

Twitter: @longbeardband

I’ve been hooked on this gorgeous slice of nostalgic, melancholic, melodic guitar-pop from New Jersey’s Long Beard (aka Leslie Bear) which is the lead single from her upcoming sophomore album Means To Me, due out September 13th on Double Double Whammy.


Artist: Clairo

Track: Bags

Twitter: @clairo

Two years since breaking through online thanks to some viral YouTube videos, and one year since her impressive label debut EP, Boston-based artist Claire Cottrill (aka Clairo) is dropping her debut full-length […]

Music Discovery: July 2019

Hey there, I’m Leroy Henry, Senior Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork, recently celebrating my 20th year with the company. You hear a lot of people say, “music isn’t what it used to be” and “how can I find new stuff that I don’t know about?” That’s where we come in as music supervisors. I’m always searching high and low for songs that have good melody, interesting arrangements, good quality musicianship, clean and clear production, nice vocals, and maybe even a good message. Here are some of my favorites from the past few months and weeks I’d like to share with you. Hope you enjoy.



  Artist: Jessy Wilson

Track: Clap Your Hands

Twitter: @heymswilson

This is the artist I’m most excited about right now – and if you think she sounds familiar, you’re right. She sang backup to Alicia Keys, was a big part of the Muddy Magnolias, and has worked with John Legend, her mentor. Imagine sassy, sultry vocals with a seductive […]

Music Discovery: June 2019

Why hello there! I’m Kalla Vavra, an Associate Music Supervisor and Voice Talent here at PlayNetwork. If you’ve been living under a rock that has been buried 20 feet underground since April 14th, you’ve probably been blessed to avoid any or all conversation regarding Game of Thrones. Not me. I, along with the other millions of viewers, am an avid GoT fan and I threw caution to the wind and poured my whole being into the last season of this sacred series. I immersed myself in all things Game of Thrones related and upon my research, I was lucky to come across the album For The Throne (Music Inspired by the HBO Series Game of Thrones). The songs inspired by the TV series led me to thinking, are there other songs that have been inspired by television or film? The answer is yes, but we’re going to focus on the For The Throne album for the time being. Below are my favorite tracks from the album. Enjoy!

Music Discovery: May 2019

Hello! I’m Mark Campbell, Music Supervisor here at PlayNetwork. For as long as I can remember I’ve been drawn to electronic sounds. From the voice of R2-D2 to assorted audio logos heard in television shows and commercials, these noises have always grabbed my attention. So naturally, this fascination is reflected in a large portion of my musical tastes. Here’s a few new tracks I’ve discovered that feature my favorite musical instrument of all time (the synthesizer) front and center. Enjoy!


Artist: Tycho

Track: Easy

Twitter: @ISO50

Scott Hansen, known professionally as Tycho, recently dropped this track as a prelude to his forthcoming album. Mostly instrumental (with some nebulous background vocals), this track features a successful and compelling blend of electronic and acoustic elements. Moreover, the buttery-smooth synth lead almost makes you forget you’re listening to electronic music altogether.

Artist: Robotaki

Track: Beaches

Twitter: @Robotaki

Fun fact: Preston Anthony Chin, better known by his stage name Robotaki, has […]

Music Discovery: April 2019

Hi, my name is Christian Zabala and I’m an Associate Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork. This month’s post is focused on some new R&B from artists you may or may not have heard. I’ve been listening to a lot of records from this genre as it continues to make its way back in the mainstream…and because it’s just good for the soul.


Artist: Amber Mark

Track: Put You On

Twitter: @Amb3rMark

By default, I like this song because its sound is inspired by New Jack Swing. Amber Mark does a great job of capturing the sound of old school R&B and making it work with the lingo of today’s R&B. I mean, if Sade gives you her support, then you must be good.

Artist: Summer Walker

Track: Girls Need Love (Drake Remix)

Twitter: @summerwalker

I’ve had this song on repeat…even before Drake decided to jump on and give this a remix! I don’t know if it’s the hypnotic beat or […]

Music Discovery: March 2019

Happy March everyone! I’m Pete Greenberg, Music Supervisor here at PlayNetwork. So, here’s the deal. There are some great songs out there (no surprise) and I’ve collected a few in a playlist for you to check out this month. Personally, I’m loving these songs right now and am hopeful you will too. If for some reason you don’t, it’s okay. We can still be friends. But chances are you just lost your ride to the airport. I’m only kidding. Kinda.




Artist: Telekinesis

Track: A Place in the Sun


Telekinesis is back! Okay, it’s not like they actually went away and have finally returned or anything. Just that there’s a new album and I’m beyond excited. I love this band and love this return to indie rock form for them. Such great tones on this recording. There’s a real crispness to the track that does a great job of hooking you in and lifting you up.


Music Discovery: February 2019

This month’s Music Discovery Blog comes from one of our Associate Music Supervisors, Patrick Milgram, who discusses why it is important to leave the music algorithms behind. Along with his three featured tracks, Patrick has hand picked 25 songs he recommends to get your playlist out of it’s feedback loop. 




A world of automation and algorithms should be utopic for an indecisive person, right? More and more, it seems that we’re relying on our technology and applications to spoon feed us the next best thing based on our listening and viewing habits. While I was grateful for my streaming services queuing up the next best thing that fit my interests, over time, I began experiencing a creeping feeling of unease that I was missing out on something. I felt some relief reading this article about independent online radio stations, which spoke to the eclecticism and unpredictability of human curation – it validated many of my feelings about automated recommendations.

Rather […]

Music Discovery: January 2019

My job and passion has always been in trying to find the perfect song for a client that speaks to their core demographic. As I listen to new music, I am constantly thinking about which brand’s sound would be a great match.  

Below are three songs that have caught my ear recently, as well as a unique playlist of tracks that are either on my radar or are being placed with brands around the globe.


LISTEN NOW ON: PlayNetwork’s CURIOStream >


Artist: Charlotte Gainsbourg

Track: Such a Remarkable Day

Twitter: @cgainsbourg

British-French actor and singer Charlotte Gainsbourg has been in the limelight from an early age, thanks in large part to her famous parents: English actress and singer Jane Birkin and French actor and singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg. As an actor, she has won awards for her films, but her true passion has always been music. Her new single (released December 2018) showcases her unique sense of vocalization, as well as her love of electronica.


Artist: […]

Music Discovery: Top Album 2018 – Slocan Ramblers

Gabriel Marowitz, PlayNetwork’s resident bluegrass nerd (and manager on our Music Services team), always enjoys sharing his favorite obscure traditional string band as album of the year. And this year is no exception. Check out his review below!

Queen City Jubilee by the Slocan Ramblers was #1 in my car’s CD player and #1 in my heart. These guys really nail what it means to play traditional folk music with a contemporary edge and youthful energy. The musicianship is standout quality, the songwriting is consistently excellent, and the vocals from Frank Evans are distinct and captivating. Plus they sound just as good live as they do on the record.

Artist: Slocan Ramblers

Track: Mighty Hard Road

Twitter: @slocanramblers


Music Discovery: Top Song 2018 – Khalid

Senior Music Supervisor Spencer Manio wasn’t expecting his favorite track of the year to come from Khalid, but the moment he heard it–he started playing it on repeat! Check out his top track of 2018 below!

If you told me last January that my favorite track of 2018 would come from Khalid, I would not have believed you. But when this R&B posse cut dropped on 4/20, I ran it back 10+ times in the dad whip on the way home from work.

For me, it’s the perfect modern R&B song. Repetitive, vibe-y, yearn-y, and chill. Plus it has 3 verses sung by 3 different dudes who never overstay their welcome. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Artist: Khalid

Track: OTW feat. 6LACK, Ty Dolla $ign

Twitter: @thegreatkhalid

Music Discovery: Top Album 2018 – Black Honey

After waiting for years and being treated to a handful of really dynamic singles, Brighton’s Black Honey released their debut self titled album Black Honey. Check out why this album is music supervisor, Pete Greenburg’s, favorite album of the year.

While the wait felt like a long time, the album most definitely lives up to the expectation. Driven by equal parts of new wave, disco, and the throwback vibe of a Tarantino movie (think Kill Bill for a more specific reference), it’s clear that this LP has set out to turn your head and demand attention. There’s an openness that calls to mind a cinematic landscape that pushes imagery of late nights, the wild west, and broken hearts. A fizzing brilliance of an indie rock record full of honest intention and up-tempo tunes for hitting the open road. I highly recommend the tracks, “Whatever Happened to You,” “Hello Today,” and “I Only Hurt the Ones I Love.” Enjoy!

Artist: Black Honey

Track: I Only Hurt the Ones I Love

Twitter: […]

Music Discovery – Top Album 2018 – Leon Bridges

Associate Music Supervisor, Ruben Lira, spent a lot of time reflecting on his favorite album of the year. And this year, his selection goes beyond just the music: it also connect with him on a personal level. Check out his pick for top album of 2018: Leon Bridges’ Good Thing

There are albums that are enjoyable, playful, and thought-provoking. And then there are albums that take this one step further, and connect with you on a deeper level. These are the albums that you embrace and claim to yourself, as your songs to the world; and this is one of those albums for me. Leon Bridges’ Good Thing veers into multiple emotions, in a style which is just not done enough today. From vintage R&B, to Jazz, to vintage soul of the Motown days, Good Thing traverses all these genres in fluidity not done enough in today’s music-scape. From celebrating life, to telling the struggles we all encounter in our daily lives, Good Thing is best heard as an antidote […]

Music Discovery: Top Album 2018 – Cardi B

Hi, I’m Brittany Ward and I work as an Associate Music Supervisor here at PlayNetwork. My choice for album of the year is Cardi B’s debut Invasion Of Privacy. Ever since the release of the album’s hit single “Bodak Yellow” I knew Cardi B would be someone I would be listening for. The future of who she would be as an artist was up to her. Only having released some mixtapes and being on a reality TV series, Cardi B was a clean slate…then came Invasion Of Privacy. It was almost a surprise since she announced the release in March and it came out later in April. Even with the short time for promotion, the project took off reaching number one on the charts, making her one of five women rap artists to reach number one.

This album is my personal favorite because I can listen to the full album, song by song, multiple times and still enjoy it because Cardi B has an exciting voice with her style of […]

Music Discovery: Top Album 2018 – Black Panther Soundtrack

For Christian Zabala, Associate Music Supervisor, his favorite album of the year was not a debut release, but rather a soundtrack. Check out his review of the Black Panther Soundtrack below!

While there are many albums that I enjoyed this year, my favorite may not be what you’d expect. It’s not an album that was a debut release (Cardi B’s album was great though!), nor was it a record that people have been waiting years for to see if it was worth the hype (I did enjoy my visits to Astroworld). Instead, I’ve chosen the Black Panther movie soundtrack. Yes, the soundtrack for the Marvel superhero movie that may very well be responsible for more representation of people of color in film moving forward (hey, Crazy Rich Asians came out this year too, it’s legit!).

Politics aside, the Black Panther soundtrack was put together by Compton native Kendrick Lamar, paying homage to the characters and the overall story of the film. This soundtrack was amazing and will hopefully make soundtracks cool […]

Music Discovery: Top Album 2018 – Janelle Monae

As a member of our procurement department, Grady Tyree has the chance to taste everything that passes into our library. This year, he features Janelle Monae’s Dirty Computer was as the best of 2018! Check out his review! 

Relevant. On-topic. Powerful. Liberating. Sexy. Funky. These are all adjectives that can be attached to the newest album from the multi-talented songstress, Janelle Monae. Her album, Dirty Computer, is another brilliant conceptual piece of musical resistance. Monae began working on Dirty Computer back in 2016, but features in two Hollywood releases (Hidden Figures and Moonlight), as well as the untimely death of her collaborator, Prince, delayed the completion until 2018.

“Make Me Feel” and “Django Jane” were the first cuts released from the album, both hitting digital queues and earphones two months prior to the album release, and the singles were perfect snapshots of how the album was going to sound. “Make Me Feel” was upbeat, fun, funky and free-feeling, while “Django Jane” was more urban, direct and powerful, dropping the playful vibe of […]

Music Discovery: Top Albums 2018 – JB Dunckel

In 1998 the French music duo Air (Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoit Dunckel) burst onto the scene with their impactful and highly-praised album Moon Safari. Now, 20 years later, Dunckel has taken a solo flight delivering a sonic gem with his album H+, and according to Music Supervisor Mark Campbell, it is worthy of consideration for album of the year.

Although the content doesn’t veer too far from the standard Air sound palate (delicate vocals, sleek arrangements, downtempo grooves, electronic textures) the songs are still exceptional and noteworthy, featuring superb songwriting and first-rate production levels throughout. The tracks “Hold On” and “Transhumanity” are standouts on an album’s worth of great music – a must-have for fans of Air and their iconic sound.

Artist: JB Dunckel

Tracks: Hold On

Twitter: @JBDunckel


Music Discovery: Top Album 2018 – Kacey Musgraves

If you’re looking for a gorgeous sounding pop album, look no further than senior music supervisor Leroy Henry’s favorite album of the year: The Golden Hour from Kacey Musgraves. 

Kacey has captured the hearts of millions with this beautiful masterpiece that defies categorization. Yes, it’s a tad bit country but with overtones of lush pop, adult alternative and singer/songwriter gems. Everything is perfectly crafted – great songwriting and melodies, soaring crystal clear vocals, wonderful musicianship and arrangements, and best of all, production that is as clear and well-balanced as you’ll ever find. It’s so easy to listen to – over and over. Kacey’s sincerity and feel are truly captivating. It’s the perfect album. She has certainly earned it, spending ten years as a songwriter in Nashville, penning tons of hits and now showcasing her third stunning album that garnered her album of the year exactly ten years to the day that she moved to Nashville.

Check out “High Horse”, her best video from The Golden Hour. 

Artist: Kacey Musgrave


Music Discovery: Top Songs 2018

Here at PlayNetwork, our creative music experts work with clients around the world to curate music for a diverse range of clients, from high-end retailers to small mom-and-pop places that want to hear the best music for their brand and audience. From this unique perspective, we tend to look for music that is popular and familiar, and we dig deeper for more obscure music by an artist or band that just broke into the scene that no one knows about yet. Below is a small peek of some of those artists and songs that were used the most by our clients here at PlayNetwork.

And to continue our annual end of the year list, we will be posting some of our Music Supervisor top albums and songs that they loved and most likely curated for their clients in 2019. And make sure to check out our December playlist and discover some great new tracks to add to your rotation, handpicked by our entire music team.



Music Discovery: December 2018

This month’s music discovery blog comes to you from Music Service Manager, Dean Carlson who is sharing three of his current favorite tracks performed by some amazing new artists. Check out our December playlist and discover some great new tracks to add to your rotation, handpicked by our entire music team.




Looking for some new music? Here are three artists to watch in 2019, from all around the globe, who I believe will continue to gain more fans and exposure in the coming year. Each of these tracks are on heavy rotation in my own playlists–I hope that you enjoy them too! 

Artist: J.S. Ondara

Track: American Dream

Twitter: @jsondara

Singer-songwriter J.S. Ondara was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, and moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota to pursue a career in music, partly due to his adoration of native Bob Dylan. You can easily hear the influence in this powerful track “American Dream,” which also showcases his intimate singing style. His […]

Music Discovery: November 2018

This month’s music discovery comes to you by Nicole Maroutsos, who is one of our Music Service Managers within our Music Team. Our November BrandRadio playlist has been handpicked by our entire music team to enhance your playlist with this month’s music discovery.




In the past few months, we’ve seen a new trend arise: the ode to throwbacks. Songwriters seem to be more nostalgic than ever before, singing about the good old days and referencing iconic tracks of yore. These three tracks were released within the past six months and all take it back to the old school.

Artist: Anne-Marie

Track: 2002

Twitter: @AnneMarie

Nostalgic reference weave in and out of this ballad that Anne-Marie co-wrote with Ed Sheeran and Julia Michaels. In just the chorus alone, there are six references from tracks released in the late 90’s and early 00’s; “Oops, I got 99 problems singing ‘bye, bye, bye’ / Hold up, if you wanna go and take […]

Music Discovery: October 2018

This month’s music discovery comes to you by one our Associate Music Supervisor, Ruben Lira. Our October BrandRadio playlist has been handpicked by our entire music team to set your playlist in the right direction with this month’s music discovery.




This month’s choices are focused on those songs which seem out of place with mainstream. The songs I picked are those that take the listener on a journey through highs and lows within the song. Some of the songs are slow and some are a ride into an uplifting euphoria. These songs are hidden gems, which rarely get the spotlight but never the less, deserve recognition of the artistic substance they encompass.

Artist: Maggie Rogers

Track: Fallingwater

Twitter: @maggierogers

This song seems to take the formula of a song and reverse it. Rather than a slow build up, the song seems to pulsate at the beginning, then slows down the tempo within the middle, and finally ends on a […]

Music Discovery: September 2018

This month’s Music Discovery Blog comes from one of our Associate Music Supervisors, Kalla Vavra who has highlighted three movie scenes brought to life by music. You can peep these tunes below and be sure to check out the new addition of the September BrandRadio playlist, brought to you by our music team to refresh and impress your ears.



Music supervisors have a pretty cool job. On a daily basis, we take a deep dive into the right side of our brains, the side that sparks creativity and enhances the artistic senses, to create an emotional connection and reaction through the power of music. At PlayNetwork, music supervisors use music to enhance a brand’s identity through custom-curated playlists.

This month, I’m highlighting key scenes that have struck a chord with me (pun intended) due solely to the music placement. Whenever and wherever I hear the following songs, their corresponding scenes instantly play in my mind. Whittling my choices down to just […]

Music Discovery: August 2018

This month’s music discovery blog is brought to you by Grady Tyree who makes it all happen in procurement and label relations! Our playlist is all new and has been handpicked by our entire music team to hopefully help you stay cool during the hot summer month of August!




This month’s selection of tasty ear-worms come out of pure discovery, as in I’m trying to refrain from rehashing content that is a known quantity to your ears. This month, I’m tipping you listeners and readers off to my own exploratory work and discovery, new artists that were unknown’s to me until 2018. This is no easy task, but I’m always up for a challenge.

Artist: Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Twitter: @RKSBandOfficial

Track: Fever Pitch

Hailing from the mountains of Boone, NC, the genre-blending, harmonizing quintet known as Rainbow Kitten Surprise pack a formidable punch that will have you reflecting, at times, on the early releases of Modest Mouse or Kings […]

Music Discovery: July 2018

This month’s music discovery blog is brought to you by one of our newest Music Supervisors, Pete Greenberg! On his off days, Pete dedicated to his small vinyl release label that celebrates some of the great artists of the Northwest who have released some phenomenal albums. Our playlist is all new and has been handpicked by our entire music team to get your summer officially started!



This month, I selected songs that have caught my ear recently–in the way that great songs just sort of come to you when you’re not really expecting it. Having been a Frightened Rabbit fan for a while, I kept Mastersystem on my radar, and was curious as to how their debut album would distance themselves from their respective associated bands (Frightened Rabbit, The Editors, and Minor Victories). Their track “The Enlightenment” does an excellent job of illustrating a more angular shaping. Hatchie’s “Sugar & Spice” was just one of those songs that once you hear […]

Music Discovery: June 2018

This month’s music discovery blog is brought to you by Alex Ruder, not only is he a multi-year Music Supervisor vet, he is also a part-time KEXP DJ, and runner of DIY label Hush Hush Records. Our playlist is all new and has been handpicked by our entire music team to set your playlist in the right direction for the month of June.



The summer season is approaching, so it’s time to get some tasty tunes ready to go for your BBQ + patio playlist. I’ve combed through a stack of new and upcoming releases and selected a handful of standout choice cuts to sprinkle into your mix. These tracks are sure to add some mouth-watering slow-motion underground funk to compliment the inescapable summertime pop anthems.

Artist: Bluestaeb

Twitter: @Bluestaeb

Track: Left & Right

Splitting time between Berlin and Paris, electronic producer Leon Giseke (aka Bluestaeb) has consistently provided smooth beats since debuting in 2013, and the early singles from […]

Music Discovery: May 2018

This month’s music discovery blog is by our seasoned Music Supervisor Alex Espinosa who has over 30 years’ experience in the music world. Our May BrandRadio playlist has been handpicked by our entire music team to set your playlist in the right direction with this month’s music discovery.



My earliest memories of music are from the spring and summer months; where the days got longer and the music blared on the radio. I still remember where I was when I first heard “Summertime” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, or asking my mom to turn up the radio when “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers would come on. These songs have always had a lasting impression on me, as they evoke the perfect chill vibe that is perfect during the warm days and nights this time of year. Below are some new cuts that are all about this vibe, as well as an older classic that will sure to bring […]

Music Discovery: April 2018

This month’s music discovery comes to you by one of our Music Supervisor, Chris Robles who is missing Sade and her old band mates. Our April playlist has been handpicked by our entire music team to get you in the mood for spring!


Artist: Sade

Twitter: @SadeOfficial

Track: Flower Of The Universe

In early March we were blessed with the first new song from Sade in over 7 years. “Flower Of The Universe” was made for the soundtrack to the movie A Wrinkle In Time. I wasn’t sure what to expect when it was announced that a new song would be coming, but it was a pleasant surprise to hear that familiar stripped down, mellow style with soothing vocals. 

After hearing this song, I was left wondering if we’ll be hearing more new material from Sade or Sweetback (the group the band members formed without Sade Adu at vocals)… Until we find out, I’ve been listening to the old

Music Discovery: March 2018

This month’s music discovery comes to you by one of our Music Supervisor, Aaron Voros. Our March BrandRadio playlist has been handpicked by our entire music team to set your playlist in the right direction for the month of March.



As a music curator at PlayNetwork I spend my time making playlists designed for overhead play in retail, hospitality, and restaurant spaces. While every playlist creates a unique experience, they all set out to achieve roughly the same goal of grabbing the attention of the listener from the second they first step into the space and sustaining their interest until they make their exit. I usually focus on selecting the upbeat, the energetic, the catchy, the succinct, and anything else that can make a quick first impression.

Call it a rebellious streak, but despite the time I spend searching for music placed in retail playlists I generally gravitate toward mellow music and instrumentals. Three relatively recent releases by a few of my […]

Music Discovery: February 2018

This month’s music discovery comes to you by one our Associate Music Supervisors, Christian Zabala. Our February BrandRadio playlist has been handpicked by our entire music team to set your playlist in the right direction for the New Year.




Hello world! I’m Christian and I’m an Associate Music Supervisor at PlayNetwork. For our Music Discovery post, I’ve decided to share some music knowledge with the readers on the nightmares of clearing samples. Let’s go down this rabbit hole together, shall we?! HERE WE GO!!!

When I’m not at work helping our music team get the freshest records out to our clients *wink* – I’m usually at home working on some sort of music project or idea while some rerun of The Flash, The Office, Friends, Modern Family, or late night television is playing in the background. As I stare at my workstation, I sometimes will pull up a folder of some soul samples I found just to see if I can […]

Top Albums of 2017: The Final List

Every year the music supervision team at PlayNetwork review thousands upon thousands of songs trying to find the perfect tracks that resonate with the many brands we partner with. While many of us don’t adhere to the genre phenomenon, our motto is always “If the sound fits, hit PLAY.” In 2017 over 8,000+ albums/EPs/compilations made it into our extensive library and as is tradition, we are tasked to name our top albums of the year. Just from the music team alone, there were over 150 distinguished albums that made the list, an astonishing number that speaks volumes on how diverse our team truly is.

Without further ado, we give you our top 20 albums of 2017

1. Kendrick Lamar – Damn (Interscope) 2. SZA – Ctrl (RCA) 3. Mura Masa – Mura Masa (Polydor Ltd.) 4. Kelela – Take Me Apart (Warp) 5. The xx – I See You (Young Turks) 6. Tyler, The Creator – Flower Boy (Columbia) 7. Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit – The Nashville Sound […]

Top Albums of 2017: Witness

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted our Procurement and Label Relations guru, Grady Tyree. Without Grady, the Music Supervision team would be lost-as he is the gatekeeper for all the music that comes through the PlayNetwork doors. Grady writes on why the new Benjamin Booker release WITNESS is one of his favorites of 2017.

Artist: Benjamin Booker


Track: Believe

Twitter: @bennybookmarks

Thousands of songs passed through my ear canals this year, but out of all, one album bore its way into my subconscious and became a worm in my apple… WITNESS by Benjamin Booker, released in May on ATO Records. The sophomore release from the singer/songwriter finds a slow-burn of a record, leaving its mark in your psyche as […]

Top Albums of 2017: Mura Masa

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted seasoned Music Supervisor and Manager, Dean Carlson, who has over 25 years’ experience in the music industry. He got bit by the music bug early, first DJ’ing at his high school radio station, and then having a successful 15 year radio career afterwards. Dean even launched his own syndicated radio show heard in over 25 countries. Dean writes on why the new Mura Masa self titled album is one of his favorites of 2017.

Artist: Mura Masa

Album: Mura Masa

Track: What If I Go?

Twitter: @mura_masa_

I can remember exactly where I was the first time I heard Mura Masa and his single “What If I Go?” It was in my car listening to […]

Top Albums of 2017: Take Me Apart

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted Music Supervisor Alex Ruder who has over 15 years’ experience in the music industry. Besides his work here at PlayNetwork curating music for brands, you can find Alex hosting variety and electronic on-air shows at KEXP or mixing it up behind the decks in nightclubs around Seattle. If that’s not enough, he also runs his electronic label Hush Hush records. Alex writes on why the new Kelela release was one of his favorites of 2017.

Artist: Kelela

Album: Take Me Apart

Twitter: @kelelam

Track: LMK

It was five years ago when I first heard the stunning voice of Kelela Mizanekristos. She appeared on arguably Teengirl Fantasy’s best song ever, “EFX,” from their 2012 album Tracer. […]

Reimagining Physical Retail Locations by Using Emotional Content

Online shopping has become a revolutionary force, reshaping the world of retail as we once knew it. With more and more consumers choosing to have products delivered to their front door, traditional brick and mortar retailers are looking for new and innovative ways to lure shoppers back into their stores and retain their relevancy in the marketplace – especially during the holiday season.

One solution retailers have discovered is a new emphasis on experiential marketing. With an increasing investment on immersive environments, stores and restaurants are reimagining their locations. Rod Sides, Vice Chairman of Deloitte LLP, points out, “Retailers should modify their assumptions about what drives traffic, engagement and holiday sales growth, and realign around customer experience, creating relevant, emotional and inspirational connections that go beyond just product, price and assortment.” And a key component of establishing a meaningful relationship with consumers is leveraging a custom-curated in-store music soundtrack that aligns with the brand and helps to establish the desired environment.

Music, in a multitude of profound and diverse ways, […]

Top Albums of 2017: Routines

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted Associate Music Supervisor, Ruben Lira, who prior to his time here at PlayNetwork worked with record labels and wrote blog post for Tour Worthy. When he’s not procuring, editing or cataloging music here at PlayNetwork, Ruben enjoys playing his guitar and piano while tutoring a music theory lesson here and there. Ruben writes on why the new Hoops album was one of his favorites of 2017.


“Because this album brings the nostalgia and innocence lacking today.”


This album was honestly one of my favorites. I don’t know, something about the shimmering notes and dancy drums, combined with heavy reverb vocals, really spoke to me. With all the negativity going around, the entire album, […]

Top Albums of 2017: Bicep

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted Music Supervisor, Mark Campbell, who has over 25 years experience in the music industry. When he’s not curating playlists for our many brands, he loves spending time in his home studio where he creates his own music using his array of vintage analog synthesizers. Mark writes on why the new Bicep release was one of his favorites of 2017.

Artist: Bicep

Album: Bicep

Twitter: @feelmybicep

Track: AURA

Great electronic music always features a good balance of the expected and the unexpected. On their eponymous debut album, the Irish DJ duo of Andy Ferguson and Matt McBriar deliver on all levels – providing the proper blend of club-ready comfort and surprise. Elaborate analog synth textures, punchy […]

Top Albums of 2017: Flower Boy

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted Associate Music Supervisor, Christian Zabala, who has been DJ’ing since he was 15 years old and has also DJ’d some of our client’s events. When he’s not working on finding new cool and hip songs for our clients, you will find him always with a deck of cards at arm’s length ready to perform a magic trick. Christian writes on why the new album Flower Boy was one of his favorite albums of 2017.

Artist: Tyler, The Creator

Album: Flower Boy

Twitter: @tylerthecreator

Track: 911

One of my top albums that I kept on repeat in 2017 was Tyler, The Creator’s fourth studio album Flower Boy. Up until this album, I wasn’t the biggest fan of […]

Top Albums of 2017: Antisocialites

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted Music Supervisor, Blake Kirpes, who has over 12 years in the music industry. Blake can also say that he helped shape the sound of bands such as Death Cab For Cutie and The Shins where he worked as an audio engineer in studio. When he’s not curating music for his many brands, you can find him collecting cassettes and vinyl while also designing abstract art. Blake writes on why the new Alvvays album, Antisocialites was one of his favorite albums of 2017.

Artist: Alvvays

Album: Antisocialites

Twitter: @alvvaysband

Track: Dreams Tonight

In 2014, the Indie music scene was flush with bands, that on the surface, sounded like Alvvays; bands with a sunny day reverb sound […]

TOP ALBUMS of 2017: Ctrl

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted Music Supervisor, Chris Robles, who besides having a background in production, is an amazing graphic designer who creates posters for our in-house PlayLive series. He has also helped booked live shows for legendary artists like George Clinton & Parliament, Pete Rock and Questlove to name a few. Chris writes on why the new SZA album, Ctrl, was one of his favorites of 2017.

Artist: SZA

Album: Ctrl

Twitter: @sza

Track: Supermodel (contains explicit lyrics)

This album stood out to me as one of the best of 2017 because of SZA’s clever (and sometimes sassy) songwriting; her unique, smooth, and soulful vocals as well as her ability to experiment with a variety of music […]

Top Albums of 2017: Barefoot in the Head

Continuing our theme of top album write ups, we’ve enlisted Senior Music Supervisor, Leroy Henry, who has been at PlayNetwork since 1999 and has spent his entire career in music. His passion for music runs deep going back as far as the 70s where he was a DJ at Seattle’s rock station KZOK. Leroy tells you why Barefoot in the Head is one of his favorite albums of 2017.

Artist: Chris Robinson Brotherhood (The CRB)

Album: Barefoot in the Head

Twitter: @TheCRB

Track: Behold the Seer

“Who the heck is The CRB?” I asked as I unsuspectingly inserted a new CD. The very moment I heard the opening bars, I was struck by the beautiful, open sonic quality and level of musicianship and arrangements. This was the new Chris Robinson album, formerly of the Black Crowes! The album instantly became my favorite of the year and it’s never wavered. And it’s not what you would really expect – it’s not hard rock but instead is an […]

Top Albums of 2017: Slowdive

The music supervision team at PlayNetwork saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library in 2017. With so much amazing music to pick from, our Music Supervision team finally narrowed down their top 10 albums of the year.

To get things started we have enlisted one of our seasoned Musics Supervisors, Alex Espinosa, who has been curating music for clients all over the world for over 20 years. Alex tells you exactly why Slowdive is his favorite album of 2017.

Artist: Slowdive

Album: slowdive

Twitter: @slowdiveband

Track: Star Roving

Shoegaze is a term that originated in the early 90s in London that typically means hearing distorted layered guitar sounds behind ethereal vocals. Many classic bands such as Cocteau Twins and My Bloody Valentine have come out of this era but one that stands out for me is Berkshire natives Slowdive. It was during the release of their debut album Just for a day (1991) produced by legendary Alan McGee, that had shared vocal […]

Music Discovery: Favorite Songs of 2017

Every year, our Music Supervision team at PlayNetwork is exposed to a countless number of songs and albums released by the masses. This year alone, we saw over 6700+ albums, EPs and compilations added to our extensive music library. With each person comes their own unique criteria for song selection and favorite albums. For our December playlist, we’re excited to share our team’s top songs of 2017!

Music Discovery: November 2017

This month’s music discovery comes to you by one our Associate Music Supervisors, Ruben Lira. Our November BrandRadio playlist has been handpicked by our entire music team to set your playlist in the right direction for this month’s music discovery.


The Seattle music scene is one of variation on intensity; the scope of rock is as broad as the terrain of Washington state. As a lover of a multitude of music genres and music discovery, I bring you a group of bands who do not get the notoriety they deserve. These are a mix of local Seattle punk and rock bands who are slowly gaining more acclaim, and have the potential to become the new foundation of the scene. As a person who loves exploring the depths of music, these are my current favorite local Seattle post punk bands. These are the bands who lean more on the raw, loud side of the music spectrum; you have been warned.



Twitter: @shivertwinz

Track: Rearrange


Music Discovery: October 2017

This month’s music discovery comes to you from one of our Music Supervisors, Gabriel Marowitz, an experienced Music Supervisor who enjoys rocking to the local scene here in Seattle. Gabriel has handpicked a number of awesome tracks, all added to the October playlist-handpicked by our entire music team. Check it out!


When I’m not sitting in my office at work writing blog posts like these or updating the Starbucks playlist, I’m often playing music with friends around town. One of my favorite parts of being in a band is all the interesting and fun people you meet along the way, so here are a few songs from some of the talented musicians we got to cross paths and hang with over the summer.

Artist: Tyler Bryant and the Shakedown


Track: Loaded Dice & Buried Money

These guys came all the way from Nashville to headline Chinook Fest in Central Washington, and the next time they’re out that way they’ll probably be rocking […]

Music Discovery: September 2017

This month’s music discovery comes to you from one our seasoned Music Supervisors, Alex Espinosa, who has worked in this business for over 25 years. As always, our September BrandRadio playlist has been handpicked by our entire music team to set your playlist in the right direction with some new music discovery.


Music has always been about diversity for me–not caring about color or religion when it comes to the music. My personal opinion has always been, “If it sounds great, who cares who sings it.” With today’s political climate and a them vs. us mentality, I’m happy that music still has that universal feel to it where everyone can just enjoy good tunes.

Below is a list of songs from 2017 that I feel embodies undividedness where it’s the music that really matters.

Artist: Bomba Estereo

Twitter: Bomba Estereo

Track: Ayo

This Colombian band has been making their steady climb since performing at SXSW back in 2009. Since then, they have […]

Music Discovery: August 2017

Summer isn’t over yet! Check out our August playlist for some great new summer tracks, curated by our Music Supervisor team – with four featured tracks from Chris Robles.


During this summer there is been no shortage of great new releases, but these four tracks caught my attention and have been in constant rotation on my Summer 2017 playlist. Sit back and enjoy the rest of your summer with some new music.

Artist: Toro Y Moi

Twitter: @ToroyMoi Track: Girl Like You

The first single from the recently released album Boo Boo is a chill song with an 80’s vibe (check out the visuals in the music video) yet still sounds current with a hint of auto-tuned trap sounding vocals that are, thankfully, not too overdone.



Artist: Jessie Ware

Twitter: @JessieWare Track: Midnight

This song premiered on BBC Music last week as DJ Annie Mac’s “Hottest Record In The […]

Music Discovery: July 2017

Ready for some amazing summer jams? Check out our July playlist, curated by our Music Supervisor team – with featured tracks from Blake Kirpes!


Late-Winter through Spring can be hit or miss for new music releases; there are always a handful of great albums, but there are also long stretches with little movement. However, now that we are in full-on summer mode, there are amazing singles and albums coming out seemingly every day.

In addition to the songs detailed below, be sure to check out the brand radio link which features great new releases from Japanese Breakfast, Algiers, Benjamin Booker, Amber Coffman, Chad VanGaalen, Grizzly Bear and Seattle band Great Grandpa.

Without further ado, here are some of my favorite summer releases for 2017.


Artist: Alvvays

Twitter: @alvvaysband

Track: In Undertow

If you’re looking for a melancholy summer jam, then this is your track. It has been three years since Alvvays released their amazing debut self-titled debut album, and after […]

What the Consumer of Today Means for the Store of Tomorrow

The digitally-empowered consumers of today thrive on experience – not only through their devices, but within physical environments. Far beyond serving a purchase, the role of brick and mortar continues to shift: it’s not that people don’t want to go to stores, but that the expectation for physical locations has evolved from transactional to experiential. This evolution has initiated a wave of challenges for those who had subpar experiences and many continue to struggle today.

With 91.5% of retail sales still taking place in physical stores, brick and mortar will continue to be relevant to business and retail strategy. But with this change in purpose, brands of today must reconsider the role and experience of their physical environments – be it store, restaurant, hotel, or other – if they wish to be successful tomorrow.

Reimagining the Store with Purpose. Activating the Space.

A reimagined store experience is one that not only aims to increase store traffic and sales, but plays a huge role in brand engagement, eCommerce, marketing, sales promotion, […]

Music Discovery: June 2017

This month our Music Discovery is brought to you by one of our Associate Music Supervisors, Christian Zabala, who may or may not be a little obsessed with New Jack Swing. And, as always, our June BrandRadio playlist has been hand picked by our entire music team to set your playlist in the right direction for the beginning of summer.


“The Roof! The Roof! The Roof Is On Fire!”

It was a Saturday morning. I had woken up early to make my Gordon Ramsey inspired scrambled eggs with some orange juice. As I sprinkled the salt & pepper over my creamy egg concoction in Salt Bae fashion, I couldn’t help but find myself grooving to a song I randomly saved on Spotify; Full Force’s “Ain’t My Type of Hype.” Unfortunately, I found myself microwaving my food as I had let it sit out too long from dancing.

After eating, I found myself sitting on my couch watching the movie responsible for my cold breakfast that morning, “House Party.” As I watched […]

Music Discovery: May 2017

This month our Music Discovery is brought to you by one of our Associate Music Supervisors, Hallie Sloan, who has decided to break down the evolution of music’s pillow talk starting with the master, Marvin Gaye to the modern day masters such as Miguel and John Legend. And, as always, our May BrandRadio playlist has been hand picked by our entire music team to refresh your spring playlist.


Let’s Get It On // The Evolution of Pillow Talk from Marvin Gaye to Modern Day

Let’s reminisce on our parents’ notion of “simpler times”. This baby-booming generation romanticized direct communication, when carnal encounters were supposedly not contingent on a slide right. We hear their stories of love and lust and we hear it in their songs. And questions you may have asked such as, “Mom, tell me how you met dad?” “Well, one day he was leaving tennis practice just as I was starting my swim lesson, we locked eyes and…” let me stop right there. Many of us are […]

Music Discovery: April 2017

What the World Needs Now is RAPtivism

For the month of April it is all about RAPtivism. Our Associate Music Supervisor, Kalla Vavra, has picked four songs from Aisha Fukushima, Kendrick Lamar, The Relatives, and Kevin Michael, which feature elements of RAPtivism in their music. You can peep these tunes below and be sure to check out the new addition of the April BrandRadio playlist, brought to you by our music team to refresh and impress your ears.


You can feel it all around. There’s an unspoken electricity triggered by the current state of affairs in our nation. Out of such conflict, there is a rise of artistic expression that captures the diverse views and opinions in our cultural environment. During this time of uncertainty and unrest, it is a common habit to focus on the negative because we are so inundated with what the opposition believes that it eventually becomes a competitive divide: rights vs. wrong, us vs. them, me vs. you.

That’s why I’ve chosen to highlight […]

The Changing BPM’s of Club & Dance Music

It’s not your imagination, dance music is getting slower.

The one constant in the world of dance music? It has always been in a state of flux. From the heyday of Disco in the 70’s to the ubiquitous presence of EDM (Electronic Dance Music) today, music designed to get you out of your seat and onto the dance floor has gone through an enormous change in the last four decades. While some elements have remained throughout the years, instrumentation, lyrics, and especially tempos have moved into new, unprecedented directions.

Beat-matching, a technique invented in the late 60’s by Francis Grosso, allows a DJ to seamlessly blend different tracks together into a non-stop flow of music, capable of going unbroken for hours at a time. The success of this approach is heavily reliant on finding songs that have a similar tempo or BPM (beats per minute). Consequently, if an artist wants their latest dance track considered for rotation in any of the thousands of dance clubs around the world, the […]

Music Discovery: March 2017

For the month of March we are stepping in to the Seattle music scene which has a diverse history of music, and it is still going strong. “There is an amazing variety of artists ranging from all styles of music who are captivating the Seattle Music Scene. The publicity may not be as noticeable but the creativity is as strong as ever. With an ever changing landscape of technology and corporations, it is no wonder why the local youth are challenging the establishment with a multitude of genres touching on soul, rock, hip hop and folk,” according to Associate Music Supervisor, Ruben Lira. With so many artists to choose from, Ruben as chosen four bands that he says are currently captivating his palate. Plus, our entire music team has made sure our playlist for our March BrandRadio is all new to keep your playlists current for 2017!




Artist: Spirit Award

Facebook: @spiritawardband Track: Las Vegas

Vintage dreamy indie rock. I love how the […]

Music Discovery: February 2017

Some songs have power to make you hit that repeat button; they are the songs that you wish were  longer, and the kind you will surely be playing for years to come! You know it’s a great song when you start it from the beginning right when it’s over. This month, Blake Kirpes has selected some of his current favorite tracks, all of which get the “repeat” treatment when he plays them. Check out our February BrandRadio, as our entire music team has hand selected a mixture of new music to keep your playlists current!




Artist: Future Islands

Twitter: @futureislands

Track: Ran

The amazing new single from Future Islands is sure to be a hit and another classic in their catalog! This is the band’s first single from their upcoming album The Far Field – The song is about a person telling their love that they, “can’t take this world” with out them. This song is dramatic, powerful and emotional; it’s everything we’ve come to […]

PlayNetwork’s Top 20 Albums of 2016

The Music Supervision team at PlayNetwork is exposed to a ton of music each year, in fact, in 2016 alone, we added 6,000+ albums, EP’s and compilations to our massive music library. Each Music Supervisor has their own unique criteria for selecting songs for a playlist, and at year’s end, we all vote for our personal favorite albums that pass the test. Here are some of our favorite tracks, featured on our Top 20 Albums of 2016, as determined by the esteemed/opinionated/obsessive music team at PlayNetwork. Enjoy!

Number 1:

Artist: Beyoncé Album: Lemonade (Columbia) Track: Sorry

Number 2: Artist: Radiohead Album: A Moon Shape Pool (XL) Track: “Burn The Witch

Number 3: Artist: Solange Album: A Seat At The Table (Columbia) Track: Cranes In The Sky

Number 4: Artist: Frank Ocean Album: Blonde (Boys Don’t Cry) Track: Pink + White”

Number 5: Artist: Anderson .Paak Album: Malibu (Steel Wool) Track: “Am I Wrong” (Feat. ScHoolboy Q)

Number 6: […]

12 Days of Music: A Review of Kaytranada’s Album 99.9%

Artist: Kaytranada

Album: 99.9% – XL 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

I first heard of Kaytranada through Soundcloud with his remixes of various R&B and hip-hop songs from the 90’s and 00’s such as Janet Jackson, Amerie and The Fugees; and then hearing songs he produced for artists like The Internet and Anderson .Paak. The album 99.9% blends elements from house, soul, funk, R&B and electronic music. This is one of those albums you can play from beginning to end and not get bored and then start it from the top!

12 Days of Music: A Review of Shura’s Album Nothing’s Real

Artist: Shura

Album: Nothing’s Real – Polydor 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

The alias of British artist Aleksandra Lilah Denton, Shura first emerged in 2014 with the immediately arresting song “Touch,” the first in a string of singles that confidently introduced her sultry 80s-steeped R&B/pop sound. Last year she unveiled a few more stellar singles, appeared on an excellent single from fellow up-and-coming UK talent Mura Masa, and anticipation for her debut album consequently increased to a fever pitch. Fortunately, her debut album Nothing’s Real delivers on the promise of those early singles, yielding one of my favorite pop albums of 2016. Stacked with all of her prior standout singles and seamlessly sequenced to paint a full, cinematic, and expansive sonic landscape in just under an hour, Shura’s first full-length album offers a mature yet playful spin on the nostalgic and romantic tropes of 80s pop with a slick, refreshing, contemporary R&B touch.

2016’s Top 20 Non-Holiday Songs fit for the Holiday Season

One of the more challenging aspects of being a Music Supervisor is taking a well-worn music genre and making it new and fresh again. This is often the case with holiday playlists, that are normally filled with traditional Christmas gems by Bing Crosby or Dean Martin sandwiched with modern holiday pop by the likes of Ariana Grande, Colbie Caillat or Train.

A growing trend here at PlayNetwork, with many of our custom in-store retail playlists, is incorporating non-holiday songs into the mix, tracks that were never originally intended to be associated with Christmas, or included on holiday albums, but feature seasonal themes like: travel, home, family, winter, etc. What I like best about these non-holiday songs is that it elevates the experience and gives the playlist a bit more meaning and a human element.

Joni Mitchell’s “The River” and the Fleet Foxes “White Winter Hymnal” are tender acoustic songs evoking a snow covered landscape and an inner peace that we all search for. Madonna’s “Holiday” and Dream Academy’s “Life In […]

12 Days of Music: A Review of Anderson .Paak’s Album Malibu

Artist: Anderson .Paak

Album: Malibu

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

Malibu was released all the way back in the second week of January, and it has yet to be surpassed by any other album that has passed through my ears in 2016. From front to back, this album is drenched in funky beats, LA soul and infectious grooves that will keep you nodding your head and tapping your toes throughout the 16-track effort. This album has staying power, and in a society where flashes-in-the-pan are all the masses are looking for, it’s easy to overlook masterpieces that don’t cater to the current model, but do your ears and your soul a favor by stopping and fully immersing yourself in this personal journey Anderson has laid out for all of us to delve into.

From the opening guitar flicks of “The Bird” to the ode for the not-so-blessed, “The Dreamer”, Brandon Paak Anderson has crafted a truly unique album that is not to be missed. Personal […]

12 Days of Music: A Review of Kamaiyah’s Album A Good Night in the Ghetto

Artist: Kamaiyah

Album: A Good Night in the Ghetto – Self Released 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

2016 was a tough one. Luckily, in swoops Oakland, CA’s 21 year old rap superhero Kamaiyah and drops her debut mixtape, “A Good Night in the the Ghetto” to save the day/year. “AGNITG” is a fonkay feel good record about being young (I’m not), having fun (I’m allergic), and partying West Coast style (allll day) over vintage Bay Area styled blaps of 80’s and 90’s R&B. On the mic, Kamaiyah is a natural spitter brimming with confidence and honesty whether rapping or singing or somewhere in-between. Hoochie Hoooo!

12 Days of Music: A Review of Santigold’s Album 99 Cents

Artist: Santigold

Album: 99 Cents – Atlantic Records 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

I chose to write about Santigold’s 99 Cents as my pick of 2016 because it was an album that caught my attention from the very first time I heard the lead single “Can’t Get Enough Of Myself”. The song was catchy, fun, and unique enough to be memorable. I kept coming back to it, and then discovered that several songs off the album were getting stuck in my head: “Banshee”, “All I Got”, “Who I Thought You Were”, and “Chasing Shadows” all checked the “hey, that’s actually a pretty good song!” box for me. Individually, the tracks have their own sonic elements that really differentiate them from each other. The album as a whole has this not-your-average-pop vibe to it, which is what made it stick with me.

12 Days of Music: A Review of Chance the Rapper’s Album Coloring Book

Artist: Chance the Rapper

Album: Coloring Book – Self Released 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

Chancellor Bennett a.k.a Chano a.k.a Lil’ Chano from 79th or better known as Chance The Rapper took 2016 by storm with his 3rd mixtape “Coloring Book” which was filled with an abundant amount of features to compliment the colorful soundscape that is created within the 14 tracks of this masterpiece. From the Hip-Hop bass heavy sounds of “No Problem” to the lush and intimate sounds of “Summer Friends” to entrancing love songs like “Juke Jam” to dancing in the club on “All Night” and more importantly the gospel inspired tracks like “Blessings” that drives the overall message of the project. 

I loved this album because of its overall sound, subject matter, and tactic to put in religious connotations throughout and in between songs that listeners are used to hearing from Chance. Enhancing that with amazing production from Brasstracks, The Social Experiment, Lido, & Kaytranada and you pretty much have a […]

12 Days of Music: A Review of Kate Tempest’s Album Let them Eat Chaos

Artist: Kate Tempest

Album: Let them Eat Chaos – Lex Records 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

Many would agree that our current world climate is one of an anxiety and simultaneously hopefulness, where technology and consumerism move at record speeds but things in many ways stay the same. A world in which war has shifted from man to computers and in which the world is at our finger tips even if we can’t grab it. In this world artists like Kate Tempest are needed more than ever. No one in music is able to dissect our current social climate, our hopes and struggles, to show us both the beautiful and tragic results better than Kate Tempest.

If anything, this album is a “state of the world address”, in which no corner of society is left unturned. This album is a perfect although at times tragically perfect examination of the world today, as seen through Kate’s eyes and more specifically the eyes of those around her. As Kate said in a 2015 interview, “When you’re […]

12 Days of Music: A Review of Wilder Adkins’ Album Hope & Sorrow

Artist: Wilder Adkins

Album: Hope & Sorrow – Wilder Adkins 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

I live for this kind of experience in the sharing of music.  This is the story of bringing you an artist I discovered on vacation with my family in Birmingham, Alabama.  We were at a venue called Moonlight on the Mountain for an in-the-round show with four acoustic artists.  The first three musicians were fairly pedestrian but when it was Wilder Adkins’ turn, we all turned to each other and eyebrows went up.  And each time Wilder had his turn, we became bigger fans.  His voice is so warm, sincere and dripping with honesty.  His lyrics simple but true and make that instant connection that we long for. 

From the song, When I’m Married, “There’s a love that grows between us like a gently creeping vine.” I can’t get that out of my head.  His finger picking is so good, the compositions are perfect and he is so humble […]

12 Days of Music: A Review of Bon Iver’s Album 22, A Million

Artist: Bon Iver

Album: 22, A Million – Jagjagwar 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

Almost 10 years ago, Justin Vernon spent a long winter in his father’s cabin in Wisconsin; recovering from mono, binge watching Northern Exposure and writing a groundbreaking album under his new persona. Bon Iver, loosely translated, means “good winter” in French, which is the optimal time to listen to his latest album, 22, A Million.

I picked this album as one of my personal favorites of 2016 for a variety of reasons; it’s personal, experimental and it’s a gorgeous example of an artist continuing to evolve and push musical boundaries. The intimacy and tone of “22 (Over Soon)” is accompanied by angelic voices, then interrupted briefly with quivering glitches that cause one to stop, breathe and pay attention. The slight use of saxophone and slow-building keyboards give “8 (Circle)” an almost ambient blues kind of vibe, that grows on you after repeated plays. Bon Iver’s 22, A Million is a gift, […]

12 Days of Music: A Review of Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals Call It What It Is

Artist: Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals

Album: Call It What It Is – Concord/Stax Records 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

I love how Ben Harper write songs which epitomize so much that is going today. This album dances around a multitude of genres. He figures a way to balance soul with rebellious attitude which harkens back to the days of Stax Records and powerful songwriting. The songs are full of depth, and go from the joys of life to unapologetically challenging the establishment with vivid descriptions of the actions we do not want to talk about.

I enjoy the songs which do not just follow what is normal. Music is supposed to be the message which others just can’t vocalize. With this album, life is defined if every song, every phrase, every simple beat. It’s harder to find artists who challenge the establishment yet find a way to respond with grace. It is one the best albums because it displays why music is so vital, especially […]

12 Days of Music: Review of Trentemøller’s Album Fixion

Artist: Trentemoller

Album: Fixion – In My Room 2016

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

Ten years after his 2006 debut landed Trentemoller the international spotlight, the Danish producer has blessed us with his darkest hour, fine-tuning the concept album to reflect his new shadowy aesthetic. Meta-critics of Fixion haven’t given this album justice; reminiscing on his 2006 debut “The Last Resort” which sounded like a hybrid of Massive Attack and Flying Lotus, this material is a total departure – undeniably postpunk at its finest. Jehnny Beth from Savages pays the album its dues, making an appearance on the cut “River In Me.” Grainy textures and classic science-fiction synth lines make this post-synth-punk album to be an IRL fan-tasy.  Recommended for fans of Soft Moon, Lust For Youth, Tropic of Cancer, and Black Marble. 

12 Days of Music: An Overview & Review of Radiohead’s A Moon Shape Pool

As we inch closer to the new year, we reflect on everything that has happened in the music industry in 2016.

This year has been marked with many heartaches, with the passing of some of our legendary musicians like David Bowie, Prince, Sharon Jones and Leonard Cohen to name a few. But, there have also been some bright spots in the music world with so many amazing releases and new artists emerging.

At PlayNetwork, our music supervision team stays on top of the current trends in music, and work to program these new releases and artists in our branded playlists. As our holiday gift to you, we present our 12 Days of Music, a collection of album reviews from our music supervisors highlighting their favorite albums of 2016.  You may not find many of these on year end charts, but these albums are earworms that you should discover sooner rather than later.


To kick it off, I would like to share with you my favorite album of the year.


Music Discovery: December 2016

Although the music industry slows downs during the Winter, it definitely never stops. Great new music is being released every day! The new music below from Childish Gambino, Xiu Xiu, and Kero Kero Bonito are all hot off the press. And the album “Air Guitar” from Sat. Nite Duets, is one of those that I’ve had on repeat since September. The good music just never stops. Plus our entire music team has hand selected a mixture of new music discoveries to keep your playlists current through the winter month of December.




Artist: Childish Gambino

Facebook: @donaldglover

Track: Redbone

If you heard this song in passing you’d be hard pressed to guess the artist; after all Childish Gambino is known exclusively in the music scene for Hip Hop. This new track and Donald’s other new single “Me and Your Mama” are a complete departure from his previous releases. A great departure that resulted in his best album to date! The new album from […]

Featured Artist: Cass.

Artist: Cass.

Facebook: Casswheel

Album: Youth Sessions

Emotional Response records released this hauntingly beautiful 9 track LP from German Ambient producer Niklas Rehme-Schluter AKA Cass. Following on from his amazing collaboration with Wolf Muller “The Sound Of The Glades” on International Feel. Youth Sessions, moves seamlessly between beat-less ambient soundscapes and otherworldly pensive slo-mo electronic house grooves. Soothing and evocative in equal measures, truly a work of art.

Music Discovery: November 2016

Our Music Supervisor, Mark Campbell, shares with you an artist he feels is one of the best of 2016. And along with his pick, our entire music team has hand selected a mixture of new music discoveries to keep your playlists current through the fall days of November.




Artist: The Head and The Heart

Twitter: @headandtheheart

Album: Signs of Light

Midway through their third LP, the song “Library Magic” features the refrain, “There will always be better days.” The lyric is a perfect summation of the overall optimistic direction of one of the best records of 2016. Producer Jay Joyce (Eric Church, Cage The Elephant) makes the most out of the well-crafted songs – bringing them to a polished and unexpected level. At times, the Indie Folk band from Seattle sounds like the latest and greatest in the world of Pop music – in the best and most-welcome sense. Tempos and arrangements vary throughout the record. From the driving beat of “City of […]

Music Discovery: October 2016

The best season of the year is finally here! Despite what many people think, the weather in Seattle isn’t mild year-round (it doesn’t rain 365 days a year), and we actually do have a summer season–with weather in the high 80’s and even low 90’s! Those “highs” are laughable to most but once you are acclimatized, the struggle is real. So when it gets back down to the 60’s it’s a beautiful thing. Especially if you love the overcast days. Blake Kirpes has picked four tracks that he’ll be spinning though what he considers to be the best season of the year, fall.


Artist: Amber Coffman

Twitter: @Amber_Coffman

Track: All To Myself

I’m absolutely loving the brand new single from Amber Coffman (of Dirty Projectors). It’s hands down my favorite song at the moment. This is her first single from her upcoming album on Columbia Records called City Of No Reply.

Artist: Angel Olsen

Twitter: @AngelOlsen

Track: Never Be Mine

The new Angel Olsen […]

Music Discovery: September 2016

With the summer months coming to an end and fall just around the corner, we’ve created a list of songs that our talented group of Music Supervisors have been listening to lately, be it spinning these tunes DJ’ing at clubs, relaxing at home while finding that next un-discovered artist, or curating these selections for the many clients we program for around the globe. One of our seasoned music supervisors, Alex Espinosa, has selected a few of his favorites below that will take you on a journey where the sun starts to fade and the cold nights get longer.


Artist: Rob Crow

Twitter: @rob5d4

Track: Business Interruptus

Besides being from my hometown of San Diego and seeing his previous band, Pinkback, numerous times, Rob Crow’s solo efforts never seems to amaze me with how current he tends to be with his indie sounds of using heavy bass and amazing melodies. With his current band called, Gloomy Place, and the single “Business Interruptus” this trend still exist. […]

Featured Artist: Lou Rhodes

Best known as half of Manchester electronica duo Lamb, Lou Rhodes has been quietly fashioning a concurrent solo career in atmospheric, gently pastoral folk for some years. Her fourth album sees love balladry and witchy woodland acoustica collide. Cellos, plucked harps and electronic textures augment a sound that emerges somewhere between Nick Drake, Carole King’s Tapestry and the Wicker Man soundtrack. Out now on Nude Records.

Artist: Lou Rhodes

Twitter: @lou_rhodes

Track: All I Need

Music Discovery: August 2016

With summer still going in full force, we’ve pulled together a list of some of our favorite summer jams and summer related songs from 2016. Check out the playlist for the soundtrack for your summer, whether you plan to spend it on the beach, or on a road trip. Plus, one of our music supervisors, Blake Kirpes, has selected a few of his favorites to share below and they are definitely worth checking out!


Artist: Whitney

Twitter: @whitneytheband

Track: No Matter Where We Go

If you get a chance to see this band live, do it! I saw them live last week at the Sunset Tavern in Seattle, and they were amazing! This is my favorite summer song for hanging around the house or taking a drive. This is a timeless track that sounds as if was written 30 years ago or 10 years from today.


Artist: Avalanches

Twitter: @TheAvalanches

Track: Subways

The thought of “subways” doesn’t necessarily […]

Featured Artist: Whyte Horses

As the founder of Finders Keepers and Twisted Nerve, Dom Thomas knows a thing or two about psychedelia. A renowned crate-digger, Dom has also been stockpiling a few left field gems of his own. New project Whyte Horses is the result. Fragrant psychedelia which steers clear of standard tropes, there’s a shade of Go! Team exuberance matched by the chiming guitars of, say, the Paisley Underground. Out now on CRC Music.

Artist: Whyte Horses

Twitter: @whytehorses

Track: Promise I Do

Featured Artist: Pumarosa

Pumarosa have been together for just over a year, developing from the core of Isabel Munoz-Newsome and drummer, Nicholas Owen, to the five-piece who released “Priestess” on Chess Club records. One seven-minute, epic song about freedom and dancing set to propulsive bass, spaced-out guitar, more than a hint of dance music, saxophone and hypnotic vocals. What’s not to like?

Artist: Pumarosa

Twitter: @pumarosamusic

Track: Priestess

Featured Artist: D.D Dumbo

Signed to the mighty 4AD record label, D.D Dumbo’s reverb-soaked songs erupt in thunderous rhythm and euphoric drone. Minimal in structure and complemented by Perry’s astonishing voice, they subtly reference traditional stylings from around the globe such as African desert blues, Tanzanian ilimba and transcendental Tuvan melody.

Artist: D.D Dumbo

Twitter: @DDDumbo

Track: Satan

Featured Artist: Audioglider

Section Records released Subaquamarine – the 2nd LP by Roberto Sodano AKA Audioglider. “Aerial View” is just one of 11 beautifully crafted electronic soundscapes on this stunning new album. This collection of electronica gems mixes influences from the dance floor to the ambient sunset feel of classic Balearica.

Artist: Audioglider


Track: Aerial View


Music Discovery: July 2016

When it comes to bright, sunny songs for your summer soundtrack, we’ve got you covered. Nothing resonates with listeners more than a classic hit being re-imagined into a new favorite. In the past few months, there have been some great covers released by artists like Panama Wedding, Campsite Dream, Filous and Betty Who. You can check them out as well as many other new releases (both covers and originals), selected by our Music Supervisors, using the Brand Radio player below. Discover new favorites, sing along and get nostalgic!


Artists: Panama Wedding & Great Good Fine OK

Twitter: @PanamaWedding, @GreatGoodFineOk

Track: Easy Lover

This is a fun, cheerful cover of the 80’s smash by Phil Collins and Philip Bailey. It was released with perfect timing, given the fact that the Genesis legend recently announced he’ll be coming out of retirement and hitting the studio!


Artist: Campsite Dream

Twitter: @CampsiteDream

Track: Try Again

Tropical house duo Campsite Dream […]

Music Discovery: June 2016

During the day-to-day process of matching bands with brands, our Music Supervisors are obliged to listen to an eclectic spectrum of music. From high-fashion retailers to fast-casual restaurants, the search for needed content exposes our team to a wide range of emerging talent and overlooked classics.

One of our Music Supervisors, Tom Killorin, has featured three songs from Charlie Musselwhite, Bubble Puppy, and Peter Wolf which reflect the diverse scope of songs our team utilizes on a daily basis. You can check out these songs, as well as many other new releases chosen by our Music Supervisor team, using the BrandRadio player below.


Artist: Charlie Musselwhite

Twitter: @musselwhiteharp Track: Good Blues Tonight There are blues harmonica players and then there is the master-class tone and verve of Charlie Musselwhite. That Musselwhite smile is genuine and he is one of the friendliest down to-earth musicians you will ever meet. The American Blues ambassador has over 50 years on the road. The mere opening of […]

Featured Artist: Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys is no stranger – this Girl on Fire has been a household name for well over a decade. However, her style takes a new turn with “In Common,” her first single in four years. Keys has stepped away from her signature piano anthems and instead released a song that’s breezy, stylish and sun-drenched. “In Common” is in line with the growing tropical house movement and features breathy, understated vocals. Keys is not only evolving her sound and staying relevant, but she’s knocking it out of the park. This track is mesmerizing and addictive – you’re sure to have it on repeat all summer long!

Artist: Alicia Keys

Twitter: @aliciakeys

Track: In Common


Featured Artist: Metroplane

Two giants of the underground dance scene join forces to produce a sure fire future Ibiza classic. Alex Metric & Aeroplane are Metroplane. The simple formula of this track works wonders on the more discerning dance floors. Loped vocal sample filtering in and out, disco stabs ghosting over a chunky house groove. Everything you need for a heads down slice of basement house.

Artist: Metroplane

Facebook: Metroplane

Twitter: @Alexmetric@VitoAeroplane

Track: Over Me


Music Discovery: May 2016

During the day-to-day process of matching bands with brands, our Music Supervisors are obliged to listen to an eclectic spectrum of music. From high-fashion retailers to fast-casual restaurants, the search for needed content exposes our team to a wide range of emerging talent and overlooked classics.

One of our Music Supervisors, Mark Campbell, has featured four songs from Band of Horses, Postiljonen, Tiga, and Blitzen Trapper which reflect the diverse scope of songs our team utilizes on a daily basis. You can check out these songs, as well as many other new releases chosen by our Music Supervisor team, using the Brand Radio player below.



Artist: Band of Horses

Twitter: @bandofhorses

Track: Casual Party

From their forthcoming album Why Are You OK (due out this June), the Seattle rockers share their new single – a peppy, indie rock gem that indicates a slight departure from their previous sound. If this song is any indication, this album should be a standout for 2016. Having Rick […]

Featured Artist: Unloved

David Holmes, Keefus Ciancia and Jade Vincent make up Unloved. The band comes from a fondness for moody rock noir and 1960s girl groups. Guest players are also on board – including Jim Keltner, Deantoni Parks, Wayne Kramer and Gus Seyffert, and together they evoke the sounds and spirit of The Shangri La’s, Bruno Nicolai, The Paris Sisters, The BBC Radiophonic Workshop and Phil Spector’s wall of sound.

‘When a Woman is Around’ is the second single taken from the LP Guilty of Love.

Artist: Unloved

Twitter: @weareunloved

Track: When a Woman is Around

Featured Artist: Huntar

The very talented South Londoner, Huntar has come out with quite a bit of music in the last year through his signings to Good Soldier Songs in the UK and Glassnote Records in the US. He has been supported by Pigeon and Planes as well as Noisey, both saying he is one to watch for the future. As the future RnB sound is becoming more mainstream, Huntar will be there to make sure everybody gets a fantastic fix.

Artist: Huntar

Twitter: @HUNTARmusic

Track: SK1N

More music from Huntar

PlayNetwork CEO Craig Hubbell Announced as 2016 QuantumShift Finalist

Hubbell Recognized for Business Leadership

Seattle, WA, April 12, 2016 – PlayNetwork, the leading provider of music and branded entertainment media experiences in retail, today announced that CEO Craig Hubbell has been selected for the 2016 QuantumShift program, a week-long entrepreneurial development program that recognizes highly successful entrepreneurs and executives of high-growth private companies in the U.S. Hubbell and fellow participants were selected after a rigorous nomination and application process overseen by KPMG LLP and the University Of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. The program, to be held at the University of Michigan, will kick off in May 2016.

“It is a tremendous honor to be recognized by the University of Michigan and KPMG,” said Hubbell. “Leaders of high-growth companies face unique challenges, as do our clients. I look forward to working with the faculty of Ross School of Business alongside accomplished executives to learn from and inspire the thinking required to lead our businesses to the next level of success.” With the first completely modern media platform, […]

Featured Artist: Atjazz

Two of the very best deep house producers come together on this new release from Local Talk. Atjazz’s “Fox Tooth” was a big track in 2015 and has now been remixed by Kaytronik AKA house legend Karizma. A deep brooding underground club bomb. Stripped back and lovingly rebuilt for the basement dancers.

Artist: Atjazz

Remixer: Kaytronik

Twitter: @martinatjazz@KAYTRONIK

Track: Fox Tooth (Kaytronik Floss Dub)

Music Discovery: April 2016

Check out what our music supervisors are listening to this month in our Music Discovery playlist for April. Also featured are some great songs to help lift your spirits into spring, hand picked by Alex Ruder, one of our music supervisors.


Following months of constant rain, grey days, and early sunsets here in the Pacific Northwest, I welcome the transition into spring with wide open arms. Time to finally roll the car windows down and jam out to some feel-good music. While I’d still bump these tracks year-round, these 5 new tracks are all sounding especially nice in the sunshine.


Artist: The Range

Twitter: @therangejames

Track: Florida

The Range is the alias of Brooklyn-via-Providence electronic producer James Hinton. He’s been bubbling up from the underground over the last five years with standout releases on fantastic incubator labels such as Astro Nautico and Donky Pitch. His new sophomore album Potential marks his first release on Domino Records, a major look for an artist largely making […]

Featured Artist: TW Walsh

As a music lover of all things new and fresh, I was checking out the many music blogs and stumbled upon the track “Young Rebels” by TW Walsh.  After the first deep bass drum kicks of the song, I was hooked.  With the mixture of synth sounds and keyboard swashes, this track by Massachusetts born Timothy William Walsh has a retro 80s feel to it that is popular with today’s indie crowd looking for something that stands out from the norm.  “Young Rebels” actually reminds me of my youth when I was really into Gary Numan and The Cars.

Working as a songwriter, producer and engineer, TW had his hands on different projects before joining Seattle Indie band, Pedro The Lion back in 2003.  He has since provided production assistance from anyone from Sufjan Stevens to Crystal Skulls.  After spending 18 months with a mysterious illness he attributed to insomnia and bad dieting, TW Walsh got into Eastern Mysticism which had him thinking of ways of bringing classic music production […]

PlayNetwork Announces New Music and Entertainment Media Platform

Starbucks and NYX Cosmetics Among First Clients

Seattle, WA, March 30, 2016 – Today PlayNetwork announced the first completely modern media platform that evolves how forward-thinking retail brands use music, video and new technology to increase employee and consumer engagement, connect commercial and consumer music platforms and changes the way people discover, share and take-away music store, online, through social media and mobile devices.

“Music and entertainment media are critical to creating and delivering a complete brand experience, “said Craig Hubbell, CEO of PlayNetwork. “Brands are looking to the power of music and other forms of emotional content as part of their core brand identity.”

Starbucks is one of the first brands to leverage PlayNetwork’s entertainment media platform in more than 7,500 US stores. To further increase both customer and employee engagement, Starbucks can now enable partners (employees) to select in-store playlists and provide a uniquely curated listening experience for customers.

“For decades, music has played a pivotal role in our stores,” said Matthew Guiste, Starbucks Vice President, […]

Featured Artist: Baroness

For those who don’t dwell in the dark, foreboding world of metal, or heavy music, it’s easy to know why this band would be unknown to you at this point, but after you’ve read through this post  your excuses for not knowing are at an end.

Baroness is a behemoth of a band, incorporating elements of heavy metal, sludge, progressive metal, and more recently heavy rock. The band rose up from the swampy magnolia roots of Savannah, GA, to take the metal world by force in the mid-2000’s with their initial releases, Red and Blue. In 2011, the band released what I consider to be their Physical Graffiti-album, Yellow And Green, a heavy, melodic opus that was so big they had to make it a double album. While touring in Europe for Yellow And Green, the band was involved in a pretty gnarly bus accident that left their lead singer/guitarist with a broken arm and leg, while the original bassist and drummer both suffered vertebrae injuries that would force them […]

Featured Artist: The Heirs

The brother and sister duo of Brandon and Savannah Hudson, originally from Boca Raton, Florida – now based in Los Angeles, rose to fame on the 2013 season of America’s Got Talent. Having since left behind their mainstream Pop/Rock sound, they now lead a 5-piece band that explores the world of Electro Pop.

“Lies” (the final track of the band’s debut EP, Ecliptic) is a bright and shimmery electronic gem – recalling the sounds of CHVRCHES and Lorde, while leaving their own unique impression on the genre. Sultry vocals, pulsing synthesizers, and a top-notch production level all conspire to deliver an exceptional, stand-out track.


Twitter: @TheHeirsMusic

Track: Lies

Check out more music from The Heirs

Featured Artist: Innerspace Orchestra

Innerspace Orchestra are no strangers to musical genius. Tom Furse (The Horrors), Cathy Lucas (Fanfarlo) and Rose Elinor Dougall (Mark Ronson/The Pipettes) came together after a random recording session sounded more like something that shouldn’t be so random. Their debut track “One Way Glass” premiered online and will be released on March 4th via Different Recordings.

Artist: Innerspace Orchestra Twitter: @innerspaceorch

Track: One Way Glass

Learn more about Innerspace Orchestra.

Music Discovery: March 2016

Check out what our music supervisors are listening to this month in our Music Discovery playlist for March.  Also featured are some up and coming Soul and R&B artists, hand picked by Chris Robles, one of our music supervisors.



A lot of good Soul and R&B albums have been released already this year and we’ve just started 2016! Here are a few songs from some of these albums that caught my ear and have been bumpin’ in my car, at home and through my headphones. These songs are definitely influenced by artists of the past and reflect the sounds of classic R&B, disco and even the 90’s…

Artist: BJ The Chicago Kid


Track: Turnin Me Up

This song has a nice laid back feel with vocals reminiscent of Marvin Gaye singing along with a smooth bassline, some horns, flutes and a little piano. I also like how the song rides out with mainly just the instruments during the last couple of minutes.


Music Discovery: February 2016

Even after living in Seattle for over 10 years and having the chance to see, come to know, and work with many great bands and musicians, it’s amazing to see how this city continually raises the bar. These days Seattle is home to some of the most high caliber artists, who are putting out some of the most unique and best music across most every genre. This month’s five feature songs are all new releases from some of today’s best Seattle artists, each of which has a new album out (Night Beats and Pilar Point) or have upcoming full-length releases slated for the near future (Tacocat, Caridknox and Cave Singers).

The full Music Discovery playlist for this month features a ton of new releases from artist such as Sia, Chairlift, Savages, St. Luica, Wet, Ra Ra Riot, Woods, Daughter, Santigold. Bleached…and many more.



Artist: Tacocat

Twitter: @TacocaTs

Track: I Hate the Weekend


Artist: Cardiknox

Twitter: @cardiknox

Track: On My […]

Featured Artist: Nicola Cruz

Artist: Nicola Cruz

Twitter: ZZK Records

Track: Colibria

Nicola Cruz is a French producer and percussionist of Ecuadorian heritage. This track, Collibia (the name of the instrument played throughout the track) is a beautiful evocative slice of mellow acoustic electronica. There are touches of the Afro Cosmic sound and also the traditional folk sounds of South America. Deeply satisfying all round Nicola says “Colibria was born when I was living at the foothills of an active volcano where daily we watched it bleed, this track signifies an inward search and the journey of being reborn.” I think this sums it up perfectly. The track is taken from his stunning new album “Prender El Alma.”

Other tracks from Nicola Cruz

Algorithmic Playlists vs. Human Curation: The Pros and Cons of Each

One of the hot topics in the music industry right now is the debate regarding whether algorithms, or technology in general, can replace human curation. The question is: which type of playlist is better? And specifically for brands that spend so much time and effort on their identities, what’s the best way to ensure a consistent brand sound?

How Algorithmic Playlists Are Generated

Popular consumer streaming services, such as Spotify and Apple Music, tout both types of playlists: human curated, as well as algorithmic. In order to generate algorithmic playlists, these tools track a user’s listening history, and leverage the track’s metadata to develop a list of similar artists and tracks for future play.

The problem with solely using algorithms for commercially-licensed music programs is that they’re extremely limited. While the output is influenced by listening behavior, the outcomes are often predictable and lead back to the same place—often as repetitive and conventional as listening to commercial radio.

Eventually, a person will need to intervene to prevent disconnected content and […]

Top 20 Albums of 2015: #5 – #1

As we countdown to 2016, we have been reminiscing about all of the amazing albums that dropped in 2015. This list of the Top 20 Albums of 2015 has been compiled by our Music Supervision team, and includes their favorite albums of the year, spanning all genres. The wait is over, here are numbers 5 – 1!


5. Tame Impala – Currents

Over the summer, Aussie indie psyche-rockers Tame Impala released Currents, their third album and follow-up to the critically acclaimed Lonerism. This time around, their approach was minimalistic synth-infused pop, with less focus on rock influences and more on electronic sounds.

Song: “The Moment”


4. Courtney Barnett – Sometimes I Sit And Think, Sometimes I Just Sit

Killer guitarist, songwriter and humble performer, Courtney has the whole package. The Aussie rocker draws listeners in with her compelling lyrics, Down Under accent and unusual vocal style.

Song: “Nobody Really Cares If You Don’t Go To The Party”


3. Justin Bieber – […]

Top 20 Albums of 2015: #10 – #6

As we countdown to 2016, we have been reminiscing about all of the amazing albums that dropped in 2015. This list of the Top 20 Albums of 2015 has been compiled by our Music Supervision team, and includes their favorite albums of the year, spanning all genres. Counting down to number one…here are 10 – 6.


10. Adele – 25

This year saw the return of Adele with her album 25. Although you don’t need Kleenex for its entirety, there are definite moments when folks of lesser emotional fortitude will require copious amounts of tissues to dry the cascading tears that are wretched from their bleeding hearts when Adele affixes her laser-focus on their heartstrings. To say this album was highly anticipated would be the understatement of the year, as it debuted at number one in more than 25 markets and broke first-week sales records in multiple countries, including the United Kingdom and United States. Outside of the numbers game, the album is a straight-up gem.


Top 20 Albums of 2015: #15 – #11

As we countdown to 2016, we have been reminiscing about all of the amazing albums that dropped in 2015. This list of the Top 20 Albums of 2015 has been compiled by our Music Supervision team, and includes their favorite albums of the year, spanning all genres. Check out picks 15 – 11!


15. HEALTH – Death Magic

HEALTH’s new album was sort of a throwback to some early 90’s industrial music, hard-hitting beats with a hint of pop quirkiness, just enough to satisfy fans of their early work. The band blended elements of noise, punk and industrial to craft an abrasive album that showed signs of accessibility to the uninitiated.

Song: “Stonefist”


14. Skylar Spence – Prom King

Skylar Spence released simply one of the most fun albums of 2015. Call it nu-disco pop, vaporwave, gibber boogie or whatever else you want, these are tracks that keep you dancing all night long.

Song: “Can’t You See”


13. Janet Jackson – […]

Top 20 Albums of 2015: #20 – #16

As we countdown to 2016, we have been reminiscing about all of the amazing albums that dropped in 2015. This list of the Top 20 Albums of 2015 has been compiled by our Music Supervision team, and includes their favorite albums of the year, spanning all genres. To get things started…here are 20 – 16.


20. Vince Staples – Summertime ‘06

Those who dig the dense, laid-back beats of West Coast hip-hop but also want some brash electronic flares (i.e. El-P/Wu-Tang style grit) should stop what they’re doing and peep this debut full-length release from Long Beach’s newest and illest MC. A one-time associate of the Odd Future collective, Vince Staples has one of 2015’s best hip-hop albums with Summertime ’06, featuring guest appearances from the likes of Jhene Aiko, Snoh Aalegra, Kilo Kish and more.

Song: “Norf Norf”


19. Thundercat – The Beyond/Where The Giants Roam

Thundercat, aka Stephen Bruner, has played bass for the Suicidal Tendencies and Erykah Badu, and he also worked on Kendrick Lamar’s album […]

Featured Artist: Young Gun Silver Fox

Artist: Young Gun Silver Fox

Twitter: @WestEndCoast Track: You Can Feel it

This is a beautiful sun kissed slice of Laurel Canyon California soul. Conjuring up images of David Crosby jamming with the Doobie Brothers and Hall & Oates. Based in London, Young Gun Silver Fox are Andy Platts (Mamas Gun) and Shawn Lee (Shawn Lee’s Ping Pong Orchestra/Shawn Lee & AM). Close your eyes and let it wash over you. The single is taken from the amazing new LP, “West End Coast” available now on Legere Records.

Check out Young Gun Silver Fox on Tumblr

Music Discovery: Music Supervisors Top Picks of 2015

Every year, our Music Supervisors, who range from DJs to label owners, dive through hundreds of albums and thousands of songs to find perfect and unique songs that will fit seamlessly into the audio strategies for our brands. After many years of curating playlists myself, I’ve come to realize that our clients just want one thing: to stand out from the droves of other brands by sharing songs that pique the interest of their customers. Now that the end of the year is upon us, we’ve put our artistic audiophile brains together to come up with some standouts in music discovery, some of which you’ve heard already playing at your local coffeehouse or fashion boutique and some you’ve never heard before.

Artist: Wild Ones

Twitter: @wildonestheband

Track: Dim The Lights

Portland based band ‘Wild Ones’ starts us off with a track that made topped many of our Music Supervisor’s lists of their favorite songs of the year. Daniel Sullivan’s gritty voice sounds like she’s walking the streets under the dim lights of […]

Featured Artist: Cosmo’s Midnight

Artist: Cosmo’s Midnight

Twitter: @cosmosmidnight

Track: Walk With Me

Cosmo and Patrick Liney are twins from Sydney that make up the production duo, Cosmo’s Midnight. Their name comes from Cosmo making a remix of a Lykke Li track “Little Bit” at midnight one evening. Their music is defined as instrumental, chill out and electronic, yet it fits into a lot of genre categories. Their new EP “Moments” is out now, so check it out!

Other tracks from Cosmo’s Midnight

The Top 20 Holiday Songs in Retail for 2015

Last week, we shared our list of the top holiday songs in retail for the first time. Culled from song playback data during this holiday season across our 400+ brands, this list of the Top 20 Holiday Songs Played in Retail is indicative of songs you’re most likely to hear while you’re out perusing the big sales, flipping through racks of sweaters, or sorting through piles of The Force Awakens merchandise.

For each of our clients, we develop a music strategy that’s based on a number of factors, including brand and marketing initiatives, target audiences, touch points, products and services, seasonality, and more. We then build playlists that align with these strategies, resulting in highly-tailored music programs that translate each brand’s identity into sound.

Classics, Covers and Co-Penned Originals

When it comes to holiday music, classics and covers always tend to reign supreme, so first off I have to say “congrats” to Kelly Clarkson for another American Idol first: co-penning one of the only original, contemporary songs on the list of […]

Featured Artist: Jane Weaver

Artist: Jane Weaver

Twitter: @JaneLWeaver

Track: I Need A Connection

Jane Weaver is a transformed woman. After years as a folky, slightly leftfield singer songwriter, her new LP, Silver Globe, sees her taking a full-scale leap into the cosmic void of contemporary space rock, and it’s fantastic. Working as an omnipresent pop figure in her genuinely independent micro-industry Jane Weaver is an example of a passionate and resilient Northern female artist who re-creates, re-invents and refreshes where many others come and go.

Other tracks from Jane Weaver

Featured Artist: Natalia LaFourcade

Artist: Natalia LaFourcade

Twitter: @lafourcade

Track: Hasta La Raiz


Mexican born Natalia LaFourcade has been making music since the late 90’s when she was part of the trio girl band called ‘Twist’. She then decided to go solo at the tender age of 17 releasing her first album in 2003 simply titled Natalia LaFourcade. She has since released 4 other albums, but her biggest breakthrough came with her much acclaimed and personal album to date ‘Hasta La Raiz’ that garnered 6 Latin Grammy nominations and 5 wins including Record of the Year, and Song of the Year for her song ‘Hasta La Raiz’ off the same album. Look for more to come from this amazing singer song-writer from Veracruz.

Other tracks from Natalia LaFourcade

Can’t quit checking your phone? Neither can these musicians.

It’s official – we can’t function without our phones. According to a recent study, 90% of American adults own a cell phone. And, 67% of those cell phone owners find themselves checking their phone for messages, alerts, or calls—even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating. In fact, the average cell phone user checks their phone 110 times a day! Based on these statistics, it’s safe to say that we’re addicted to our phones.

Luckily we are not alone. Many of our favorite musicians are feeling the drawn to their phones as well. So much so, in fact, that in 2015 we are seeing and abundance of songs themed almost entirely around cell phones; songs that touch on the way we use cell phones to build relationships (Ariel Pink – “Put Your Number in My Phone”), to end relationships (Beach Day – “Don’t Call Me On the Phone”), or simply the way in which we can’t quit checking them (Unknown Mortal Orchestra […]

Featured Artist: Gwenno

Artist: Gwenno

Twitter: @gwennosaunders

Track: Chwyldro

Gwenno Saunders is a music producer, DJ, radio presenter and singer from Cardiff. She has just released her debut solo album, ‘Y Dydd Olaf’ following a string of critically acclaimed EP’s – ‘Chwyldro’, ‘Golau Arall’ and ‘Fratolish Hiang Perpeshki / Calon Peiriant’. Y Dydd Olaf takes its name from Welsh writer Owain Owain’s 1976 sci-fi novel about globalization, in which brain-invading robots overpower humanity – save for Welsh speakers, whose thoughts they can’t penetrate.

Other tracks from Gwenno

Music Discovery: November 2015

Doing a quick google search, you can find a mountain of articles about the resurgence of the 90’s – From InStyle to Buzzfeed and Allure to Pop Sugar; 90’s fashion, art, and music is once again “all that.”

One of our Music Supervisors, Blake Kirpes, has featured four songs, from Pale Honey, DILLY DALLY, Blood Orange, and Diiv, who are all representing the 90’s and its influences, through their music. You can check out these songs as well as many other new releases (both 90’s and non-90’s influenced), chosen by our Music Supervisor team by using the BrandRadio player below.



Artist: Pale Honey

Twitter: @palehoneyband

Track: Fish

Pale Honey is a Swedish female indie rock duo with an amazing self-titled debut! Their new album sounds completely fresh and new, but it also harkens back to the striped down 90’s albums like PJ Harvey’s “To Bring You My Love,” and 1998’s self-titled debut from a little band called Queens of the Stone Age. It’s dark, […]

Featured Artist: Coasts + Dive In

PlayNetwork recently organized live music for Trinity Leeds within their unique street food space, Trinity Kitchen. We had the pleasure of working with two amazing bands, Coasts and Dive In, who performed for the guests.

Coasts have performed on Made in Chelsea, headlined the US, and performed at Coachella. Their track Oceans was Zane Lowe’s “Hottest Record” in the summer, and they were invited to perform on BBC Radio One’s Live Lounge. Their new single You is being released on January 1, 2016 – check out the Spotify exclusive.

Dive In’s latest EP Change in the Weather premiered on Consequence of Sound, and they have performed on the BBC Introducing Stage at T in the Park this year. Listen to their new single Let Go. We like it a lot!


A Haunted Halloween Playlist, Without the Kid Vibe

Halloween: it’s no longer just for kids. According to a DDB Worldwide study, two in three adults feel that Halloween is a holiday for them, and not just the kids. This relatively new trend has transformed Halloween from a kid-centric holiday, into an $8 billion a year industry (Forbes), and it’s safe to say that figure increases each year.

One of the best ways to add a little Halloween flavor into your brand is by injecting some dark, fun, and spooky “Halloween” songs. The tricky part of appealing to adult’s spooky side, is making sure that you don’t come across as too childish. For instance, many people love the “Monster Mash”, but songs like these can come across as too “kiddy” or cartoony, and may not fit with your brand’s sound.

Thankfully there are a ton of great “Halloween-ish” songs from new and relevant artists that will fit most any branded sound. Many of these songs were not specifically written as an ode to Halloween, but once they’re combined and played together […]

Life is Beautiful 2015: Desert Music, Vegas Style.

Life is Beautiful Festival – Food, Art, Learning + Music in Downtown Las Vegas.

Festivals come and go, and though it may seem like the market is saturated there are still newcomers pushing through, making sense, and creating something with staying power. Now in its 3rd year, Life is Beautiful (September 25 -27) combines a truly sensory experience across food, art, learning + music to connect with a diverse audience as it stretches across 18 city blocks. Great curation meets excellent programming under the heat of the desert skies. Read more about the entire event on our blog, What About the Space.


The app was a welcome tool to have on site, as it allowed users to organize your schedule across all food/music/learning events and create a calendar. The best part? Push notifications 15 mins. before my scheduled acts were about to go on stage. I didn’t miss a thing. BOOM!


Musically speaking, the […]

Featured Artist: Ezra Furman

Artist: Ezra Furman

Twitter: @ezrafurman

Track: Lousy Connection

Ezra Furman’s third album has accomplished something many fail to do – he is self-deprecating, but his witty humor allows a glimmer of optimism. It’s an enlightening journey through the mind of an outsider, but an entirely relatable one. ‘Lousy Connection’ is the first single from the LP, and displays ‘50s doo-wop influences that are a big part of his current sound.

Other tracks from Ezra

Music Discovery: October 2015

Fall is turning into winter and our Music Supervisors have curated a playlist just for you. One of our Music Supervisors, Gabriel Marowitz, has featured three songs, from Fairground Saints, Strange Faith and Kaleo, that stand out from the hundreds that he hears every month. We are sure you will find these tunes as refreshing as he did.


Artist: Fairground Saints

Twitter: @FGSaints

Track: Turn This Car Around

This song starts out sounding pretty Nashville, but ends up being sunny California Country Popgrass. This makes sense, as the group’s debut album was recorded in Malibu and not Music City. This song includes catchy vocals and melodic riffs from guitar, mandolin and banjo, as well as nice string arrangements and fiddle in there too. If they can perform live on those instruments as well as they do on the record, this will be a band to watch.


Artist: Strange Faith

Twitter: @tru_thoughts

Track: Walking Over

This Sunday morning easy groove […]

Featured Artist: Dane Taylor

Artist: Dane Taylor Facebook: Shining Bird Music Track: Lets Float

Dane Taylor is the lead singer in the Australian band Shining Bird who recently had a release on Uber recordings. This solo track captures the essence of the sundrenched, blissed out songs which Uber recordings is based on, and was immediately snapped up for a vinyl release.

More info and music for Dane Taylor

When Should You Start Playing Holiday Music?

That music blaring out of the speakers of the restaurant, retailer, hotel and airplane you visit? Yep, that is the doing of our music supervisors. While you may not notice every song that is played throughout the year, one thing is for sure: when the holiday songs begin, everyone notices. But when is the right time to start playing holiday music?

This is the hot topic among our brands as they try to nail down the perfect timing of their holiday cheer. While there is no one-size fits all approach to holiday music programming, PlayNetwork’s Dean Carlson, Music Supervisor/Procurement Lead, and Julia Cummings our Director of Music Services are here to help you make sense of the pros and cons of starting the holidays early versus waiting until the holiday season is in full swing.

Should you Jingle all the Way into the holiday season—beginning in October? Or wait until December to put your customers into the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?


Dean’s Top 3 Reasons to Jingle […]

Music Discovery: September 2015

Fall is upon us, and our Music Supervisor team is ready to slow down the playlist and transition into a cooler season. One of our Music Supervisors, Blake Kirpes, said “Now that we’ve officially jumped into Fall–my favorite season by a long shot–it’s out with the sweaty summer pop jams and in with rainy melancholic fall tunes. Below are some of our favorite Fall tracks; the kind of songs that soundtrack a rainy weekend spent indoors, or a slow weekend drive through the mountains.”


Artist: Kurt Vile

Twitter: @therealkurtvile

Track: “Pretty Pimpin”

This is one of my favorite songs of the year. I love everything about it, especially the lyrics. Their new album “B’lieve I’m Going Down” is out 9/25 on Matador Records

Artist: Pearl Charles

Twitter: @pearl_charles

Track: “I Ran So Far”

I’ve really been liking the new “Pearl Charles” EP. I recently bought this on cassette via one of my favorite labels, Burger Records.

Artist: Ultimate Painting


PlayNetwork Announces New Blog: What About the Space

From music discovery to customer experience, we’ve always been passionate about activating the space – physical, digital, emotional, and experiential – between brands and consumers.

Today, we’re excited to introduce a new digital property, What About the Space. Through our brand development and creative content studio A440, What About the Space shares our perspectives on how space is being used to enhance customer experience. A unique “feet on the street” perspective guides you through the creative, innovative ways brands are connecting with people—from hands-on experiences, to the store environment, and everything in between.

Tamara Deike, a Brand Development Director on the A440 team at PlayNetwork, shares these points-of-view into how retail, luxury, fashion and hospitality brands are using space to engage and inspire.

Check it out at

Featured Artist: Leo Kalyan

Artist: Leo Kalyan

Twitter: @leokalyan

Track: Fingertips

Leo Kalyan describes his music as ‘oceanic beats’, with his floaty, electronic sound that definitely makes sense. This Londoners’ vocals are smoky and dazed with a very inventive spin. This track is taken off his EP ‘Silver Linings’, Kalyan describes that ‘Fingertips’ is a song about attempting to escape a memory but never being fully able to shake it off.

Other tracks from Leo Kalyan


Featured Artist: C Duncan

Artist: C Duncan

Twitter: @mrchrisduncan 

Featured Track: Here To There

Chris Duncan is a multi-instrumentalist & artist hailing from Glasgow in the UK. He graduated from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (now the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) where he studied music composition. His pieces were performed by various ensembles across the UK. He is signed to acclaimed independent label Fat Cat Records and recorded his first Lp at home in his bedroom studio. His interest in both classical and modern music are evident in the lush choral harmonies and acoustic instrumentation that form the layers of the songs.

Check out some other great tracks from C Duncan:


Music Discovery: August 2015

August may signal the end of summer to some, but for our music supervisors, August is a time for upbeat and cool music that contrasts these long hot days. Among the songs selected by the Global Music Supervision team, four songs have been featured as quintessential summer jams by Music Supervisor, Alex Espinosa.  Check out the playlist, featuring songs from Waster, U R, World Beneath The Sea and Railway Lines.

WIN WIN – “Waster” My first selection comes by New York band WIN WIN. Their song Waster was an exciting fine by way of shopping for music at Amoeba record store while on a business trip. With its buzz worthy chorus, off centered guitar riffs and the not so subtle hand clapping has this track, off of their latest release ‘Primaries’ as a standout for me.

Beach Baby – “U R” My next selection is from the English band Beach Baby. With its shoegaze sound and laid back beach feel, their new single U R reminds me of the days of skipping […]

PlayNetwork is Proud to be a Returning Sponsor for Pianos in the Parks!

What do you get when you take 22 pianos, a bunch of talented and creative artists and 32,000+ acres of Seattle & King County parks? You get Pianos in the Parks – Volume 2!

Once again, PlayNetwork has partnered with a variety of outstanding community partners who are focused on supporting the power of art and music. Featuring 22 pianos donated by Classic Pianos, and designed by Gage Academy of Arts students and Alums, these once landfill destined instruments have been transformed into works of art. These pianos have been placed in parks and public spaces throughout the Greater Seattle area with intent to encourage the community to take a moment, sit down and play! To find a piano near you, visit the Pianos in the Parks website.

This initiative demonstrates many of PlayNetwork’s Core Values by showcasing our appreciation of the arts and local community. As part of the program, we are providing video production services for events throughout the month, in effort to generate awareness and […]

Music Discovery: Fresh Picks for July

With the Summer Solstice just behind us, our U.S. Music Supervisors thought it would be a great time to pull together some of our favorite songs from late-Spring and early-Summer!

In addition to a few fresh mainstream tracks, our playlist features brand new Indie releases from PINS, Public Access TV, FIDLAR and Wild Ones; Electronic releases from Miami Horror, Neon Indian and Disclosure; as well as wonderful new tracks from recent PlayLive guests The Dip and Cayucas.

We also made sure to include some of this year’s biggest and best Summer Anthems, from artists like Beck, Family of The Year, Icona Pop, and The Weeknd! Check out our playlist below, as well as some of the featured tracks for July!

    PINS – “Young Girls”       Public Access TV – “Metropolis”       Wild Ones – “Dim the Lights”       FILDAR – “40oz on Repeat”  

Featured Artist: Mura Masa

Artist: Mura Masa

Twitter: @mura_masa_

Featured Track: Firefly (Feat. Nao)

Mura Masa is an up-and-coming producer hailing from Guernsey, UK. His style is very similar to the likes of Disclosure and Peking Duk making it very current and appealing to the current dance based market. This track, ‘Firefly’ features vocalist Nao who competes with the likes of AlunaGeorge for originality in her voice. The track is very upbeat and funky; perfect for summer.

Check out some other tracks from Mura Masa.

PlayNetwork Wins Four Telly Awards for Branded Entertainment Media Clients: Journeys and FedEx Office

Redmond, WA – 6/2/2015 PlayNetwork and their clients, Journeys and FedEx Office were selected winners in the 35th annual Telly Awards. With nearly 12,000 entries from all 50 states and numerous countries, this is truly an honor.

Founded in 1979, The Telly Awards annually acknowledge the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, and corporate video departments in the world. The awards honor the very best film and video productions, groundbreaking online video content, outstanding local, regional, cable TV commercials and programs.

“The Telly Awards has a mission to honor the very best in film and video,” said Linda Day, Executive Director of the Telly Awards. “PlayNetwork’s work with Journeys and FedEx Office illustrates their creativity, skill, and dedication to their craft and serves as a testament to great film and video production.”

“It’s always a great feeling to be recognized for our work,” said John Crooke, VP of Global Brand Development for PlayNetwork. “ But what’s even more exciting is that these awards are […]

Sea-Tac Airport Launches Pearl Jam Poster Exhibit

As a part of the Sea-Tac Airport Experience the City of Music program, the Port of Seattle, EMP Museum, Pearl Jam, and poster artists Ames Bros. unveiled a new exhibit of screen prints commissioned over the years for the promotion of Pearl Jam concerts.

This exhibit, a part of the Experience the City of Music program at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, has been titled, “PUSH ME, PULL ME: Pearl Jam and the Art of the Screen Printed Poster”. 85 posters from over 30 artists—including the Ames Bros., Brad Klausen, Munk One, and Ward Sutton—are all featured in this new exhibit.

When Pearl Jam formed in Seattle in 1990, posters were one of the few ways that a band could communicate with their audience. They were vital to advertising upcoming shows, as well as an important aspect of conveying the identity of the band. Poster art reflected the venues and cities in which the band played, represented the musicians and lyrics, with some even touching contemporary politics. But moreover, these posters illustrated […]

PlayNetwork Selected as Winner of Four 2015 Telly Awards

We are proud to announce that PlayNetwork, along with clients FedEx Office and Journeys, have been selected winners in the 35th Annual Telly Awards! With nearly 12,000 entries from around the world, this is truly an honor.

The Telly Awards annually acknowledge the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world. The awards honor the very best film and video productions, groundbreaking online video content, outstanding local, regional, cable TV commercials and programs.

The winners are judged by a panel of over 500 accomplished industry professionals, each a past winner of an award. Work is evaluated against a high standard of merit to recognize creative work.


Awards: Silver for In-Store Film/Video; Bronze for Branded Content and Entertainment

The “This is My Journey” campaign, showcased people with unique talents – from extreme sports and charity foundations, to entrepreneurs and artists. Our winning submission features Steadfast Brand […]

Coachella 2015 Recap: The Brands

Tamara Deike is a Global Brand Development Director at PlayNetwork. She consults with PlayNetwork clients, inspiring innovative and engaging campaigns to help shape their customer experiences. With a background as a DJ, 12 years working in dance music across record labels, tech startups and artist management, as well as a Brand Development Director, Tamara has a unique perspective on both the music and artistry of the event, as well as the brands with pop-up experiences.



To be a brand on site at Coachella is a thing of many wonders. This is one of the most highly-curated, productionally-perfected (the app, digitized wristband activation, etc.) festivals, period. So when it comes to hand-selecting which brands are befitting partners, Goldenvoice has pretty much nailed it. Only a few brands rose to the top of my short-list (only 6 official brand sponsors this year):

Sephora: Best on-site activation at Coachella, hands-down. This gorgeous tent featured AC, various makeup ‘try/touch-up’ stations, a socially connected selfie-screen, Sephora giveaways, a […]

Coachella 2015 Recap: The Music

Tamara Deike is a Global Brand Development Director at PlayNetwork. She consults with PlayNetwork clients, inspiring innovative and engaging campaigns to help shape their customer experiences. With a background as a DJ, 12 years working in dance music across record labels, tech startups and artist management, as well as a Brand Development Director, Tamara has a unique perspective on both the music and artistry of the event, as well as the brands with pop-up experiences.



Suffice it to say that I’m no stranger to music festivals. I’ve attended everything from Sonar to Lovebox to Melt! – but this, was my first-ever Coachella. Now in its 16th year, 2015 featured 200 acts across both weekends with crowds of 100k+ people braving the 100°+ temperatures at a blisterin’ $375+ per ticket.

You’d have to be completely off the grid to miss the fervor of product placement, festival-inspired editorial, social media buzz, and artist releases staking claim pre-Coachella. As I drove down the 10 Freeway from L.A. […]

Songs for the Sun

We approached our talented group of Music Supervisors here at PlayNetwork to queue up their favorite songs of Spring and Summer–the jams that remind them of when school let out and the days were longer.  This collection shows just how diverse our group of music lovers are; ranging from the ever-classic “Ventura Highway” by America to the more eclectic “Remind Me” by Royksopp, every song featured on this playlist has one theme in common: sun and fun.

SXSW 2015 – Hey Ladies!

SXSW Music 2015 had more closed streets, more rain, up-and-coming hip-hop and slow-burning R&B than 2014–luckily all countered by a whole lot less bloated branding or force-fed blockbuster acts. But for me, this year was all about the female-fronted bands. The many, amazing female vocalists that owned stages throughout: from MCs and rocking belters, to singer-songwriter and indie darlings.


If you’ve read any recap of SXSW Music, then you already know that Courtney Barnett charmed audiences with her deadpan delivery and throwaway genius. She is so low-key and unpretentious, and she mesmerizes with her strangely affecting narratives. Lucky for you–NY-based WFUV filmed the same darn show I went to, so you can have even better sight lines than I did!




Dessa, the Minneapolis-based MC and singer from the indie hip-hop collective Doomtree, captured the audience (literally capturing their cameras by grabbing them from their hands to film the crowd) during her solo set at Karma Lounge. I recommend a revisit of her […]

Just Another Love Song

Whether we like it or not, the days leading up to Valentine’s Day always seems to conjure up memories of love lost and found, candy hearts, and grade school Valentine cards. Then there’s all those silly love songs that either assuage or amplify our romantic moments–a first date (or heartbreak), your wedding day, the first time you said those three little words. Hearts are swelling as we get swept up in some of our team’s favorite love songs:

Michelle G., Video Operations :: Elton John (and more recently Elle Goulding) – “Your Song” I get all misty-eyed just singing the chorus. There is no sweeter lyric ever written than “How wonderful life is/while you’re in the world”.

Brian J., Local Sales :: Alphaville – “Forever Young” Takes me back to every 8th grade dance…

John W., Media Services :: John Martyn – “Couldn’t Love You More” A song that is a simple message of love and what one would do to prove that love…”I would lay all night in the rain for you.” What […]

Music Supervisors’ Best Songs of 2014

Another year means another deluge of music our Music Supervisors (also known as DJs/label owners/artists/rockstars) comb through; each week, hundreds of albums are given a spin to find the freshest tracks for the brands they curate for. Their collective audiophile escapades have been harnessed to create our best songs of 2014 list. We’re streaming these and more on our Top Songs of 2014 BrandRadio – just scroll down or click here to tune in.

MARK CAMPBELL :: Music Supervisor

Annie Lennox – “You Belong To Me”

On her third album of cover songs, Annie Lennox pays a visit to the world of the Great American Songbook. “You Belong To Me”, with its poignant lyrics of longing and heartache, fully exemplifies the album’s overall theme – a desire to come home again. Her vocals (solid and sincere) and the song’s arrangement deliver a stirring and contemporary take on a classic tune from America’s rich musical history.

SEAN HORTON :: Senior Music Supervisor / Music Strategy & […]

Hidden Pop Gems of 2014

Associate Music Supervisor Alex Ruder reviews and programs music for a small but diverse range of brands here at PlayNetwork. With extensive knowledge of the indie electronica and pop music landscape, he dials in on some of the year’s best undiscovered music.

Familiar big name pop acts such as Ariana Grande, Iggy Azalea, Pharrell Williams, and Taylor Swift have largely dominated the charts this year. And while I can’t deny that these artists make some incredibly infectious tracks, there are plenty of artists making equally catchy tracks that haven’t quite caught the ears of millions yet. In my never-ending attempt to expose artists and songs that I feel are worth your ears’ attention, here are 10 pop songs from 2014 that you won’t find on Billboard’s or iTunes’ top charts or racking up multimillion views on YouTube:

[hover over song title for Alex’s commentary]

LIGHTS Brings “Little Machines” To PlayNetwork

As part of our PlayLive concert series, we bring exceptional, diverse, artistic talent to the PlayNetwork offices, exposing our Music Supervisors to new and up-and-coming artists from around the globe. Many of these artists are already playing in-store at your favorite retailers, while others are on the horizon of breaking. Much of what we do hinges on music discovery for our brands, turning them into tastemakers for their consumers.

Juno award-winning Canadian artist LIGHTS recently performed cuts from her latest release, “Little Machines”, at our Redmond headquarters. Lights blew onto the electropop scene in 2008 with her hit “Drive My Soul”, and her brand of gleaming, heartfelt pop music has continued to captivate fans around the globe.

“Running With The Boys” opened the set, with the kind of powerful chorus you’d expect to hear chanted in arenas. “Up We Go” showcases Light’s gorgeously fun vocals, only surpassed by her on-stage energy. Much has been said about Light’s road to rediscovery during the writing of “Little Machines” (she shared that the verse for “Muscle […]