Comedy Review: Chelsea Handler

Volunteering for the Chelsea Handler stand-up show at The Paramount was about equal to babysitting drunks in 6-inch heels. I have never before seen a crowd like this at this venue before. Everyone was dressed up and stumbling all over themselves—which actually produced a great crowd for this comedian.

After a sleepy first act, Chelsea came on stage, huge glass of belvedere with lemon in hand, to deliver a raunchy hilarious set. She makes you laugh hysterically at subjects you are embarrassed or ashamed to be laughing at. I admire anyone who excels at making fun of themselves and their adventures. Her life just makes perfect comedy, from practical jokes to bodily functions to her disdain for her family.

I’ve also never seen so many people lined up for autographs. I think about ¼ of the audience brought their own books (or magazines) for signatures and ½ of them bought her newest book “Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang”. All of her books, including “My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands” and “Are you there, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea”, have topped the best seller charts.

If you’re not easily offended and can handle in-your-face outright blunt comedy, I highly recommend checking out anything that Chelsea does.


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