If You Fan a Band, You Fan a Brand

Music supervisors help interpret the line between the brand’s core shopper/target market and who they aspire their customer to be. It’s about finding a balance between the comfort and discovery that will resonate and, in turn, create that common ground.

When customers turn to brands for lifestyle extensions they want to hear content that’s cool and relevant. True music fans love discovery and if customers are hearing and discovering music in-store, it’s a beautiful way for a brand to build loyalty. If a customer hears a song and ends up adding it to her playlist or seeing the band in concert, she’ll remember where she heard it first and associate it with the brand. The brand becomes more relevant to that individual.

Music and brands are becoming much more associated with lifestyle choices and specific cultural settings. It’s the marriage of comfort and discovery.

“It's about finding a balance between familiar and discovery that will resonate with customers.”

About PlayNetwork

PlayNetwork is the leading global provider of music and entertainment media experiences for brands worldwide. We partner with over 450 brands spanning 125,000 customer locations in more than 135 countries, our work reaching 100 million people every day. This post, If You Fan a Band, You Fan a Brand, is a part of our Keys to Marketing with Music series. To learn more about PlayNetwork, visit